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Pharmacognosy 2018

American Journal of Ethnomedicine

ISSN: 2348-9502

Page 51

April 16-17, 2018

Amsterdam, Netherlands



Edition of International Conference on

Pharmacognosy and

Medicinal Plants


erberin (2-o-Acetyl neriifolin) is the principal cardiac glycoside

present in the seeds of

Cerbera odollam

belonging to the

Apocyanaceae family. The seeds of

Cerbera odollam

are used as a

poison for suicidal as well as homicidal purpose by people around

the world. Its detection in the body fluids is somewhat difficult.

The aim of this study was to develop a FT-IR spectrophotometric

procedure for the analysis of cerberin in rat plasma3. A Fourier

transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometric method was developed

for the rapid, direct determination of cerberin in rat plasma.

The universal ATR spectra was recorded and used for this

study. Multiple linear regressions (MLR), with a restricted set of

absorption band were used for calibration. Beer-Lambert law was

used for data processing. A recovery of 98.8% of cerberin from rat

plasma with a correlation coefficient of 0.9980 was obtained. The

linear regression equation for cerberin was calculated to be y =

-1.0943–1.5875 x, where x and y are concentration and integrated

peak area, respectively. The method had excellent reproducibility

for the standard of 0.2 mg, 0.19±0.107% (n=6). The recovery test

is an experimental design to verify the relationship between the

amount of substance added and the amount quantified by this

assay. In this test, the observed concentrations of pure cerberin

in rat plasma were not significantly different from the stated

concentrations by Student’s t-test, P=0.05% (100.06±1.28%, n=3).

The method gave rise to linear data in the range 0.1–0.8 mg

with accuracy and precision in the range 0.86–1.4%. Therefore,

this FT-IR-spectrophotometric assay was accurate, and may be

recommended for the simple quantification of cerberin.

Recent Publications

1. Prasanth S S and Rajasekaran A (2015) Derivative

ultra-violet spectroscopic method for the estimation of

cerberin in rat plasma. International Journal of Pharma

and Bio Sciences 6(1):749 –758.

2. Prasanth S S and Rajasekaran A (2015) Visible

spectrophotometric determination of cerberin in rat

plasma. J App Pharm Sci, 5(03):109–112.

3. Prasanth S S and Aiyalu R (2015) Quantitative

determination of cerberin in seed extract of



and rat serum by high performance thin layer

chromatography. J App Pharm Sci. 5(3):061–069.

4. Carlier J, Guitton J, Bevalot F, Fanton L and Gaillard

Y (2014) The principal toxic glycosidic steroids in


manghas L. seeds: identification of cerberin,

nerifolin, tanhinin and deacetyltanghinin by UHPLC-

HRMS/MS, quantification by UHPLC-PDA-MS. Journal

of Chromatography Analytical Technology Biomed Life

Sciences 962:1–8.

5. Yvan Gaillard, Ananthasankaran Krishnamoorthy and

Fabien Bevalota (2004)

Cerbera odollam

: a ‘suicide tree’

and cause of death in the state of Kerala, India. Journal of

Ethnopharmacology 95:123–126.

FTIR-spectrophotometric analysis of cerberin in rat plasma

Prasanth S S



Rajasekaran A



Al Shifa College of Pharmacy, India


KMCH College of Pharmacy, India

Prasanth S S et al., Am J Ethnomed 2018, Volume 5

DOI: 10.21767/2348-9502-C1-005