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Pharmacognosy 2018

American Journal of Ethnomedicine

ISSN: 2348-9502

Page 47

April 16-17, 2018

Amsterdam, Netherlands



Edition of International Conference on

Pharmacognosy and

Medicinal Plants


Yiftach Vaknin completed his PhD from Tel-Aviv University and Post-doctoral studies from UC Davis, Pomology Department, CA, and UMR INRA/UAPV Ecol-

ogie des Invertébrés, France. He is currently a Senior Researcher at the Department of Natural Resources, Volcani Center in Israel. He has published more

than 35 papers in reputed journals and has developed new crops and innovative agro-technological methodologies for the food, medicinal and bioenergy

industries. His work onmedicinal plants was mainly focused on the following: Lemon eucalyptus for herbal infusions,

Moringa oleifera

as food supplement for

elevated milk production and milk quality in lactating cows and milk thistle for therapy of liver ailments.