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Pharmacognosy 2018

American Journal of Ethnomedicine

ISSN: 2348-9502

Page 46

April 16-17, 2018

Amsterdam, Netherlands



Edition of International Conference on

Pharmacognosy and

Medicinal Plants


ilk thistle (


) is a ruderal, nitrophilous plant,

native to the Mediterranean basin with natural adjacent-

desert populations. It is usually utilized for its hepatoprotective

activity due to its high content of silymarin; a complex of seven

flavonolignans: silybin A, silybin B, isosilybin A, isosilybin B,

silychristin, isosilychristin, silydianin, and one flavonoid, taxifolin.

In Israel, it grows in almost all regions, from the upper Galilee in

the north to the edge of the Negev desert in the south, including

the Jordan Valley and around the Dead Sea. The aim of the

current study was to analyze

S. marianum

populations from

three Mediterranean regions; in northern, central and southern

Israel, adjacent to the Negev desert, for silymarin content and

composition, in order to evaluate their potential significance as

sources for medicinal purposes. Seeds collected from all regions

were planted in a screen-house under Mediterranean conditions

in central Israel. The resulting F1 progeny was planted in an

open field and their seeds were evaluated for silymarin content

and composition. Silymarin concentration and content per plant

highly varied among all populations, ranging from21 to 36 (gr/Kg)

and 3.3 to 12.3 (gr), respectively. In general, the highest silymarin

concentration was measured for plants originated from central

populations and the highest silymarin content per plant was

measured for the central and northern populations. Analysis of

silymarin composition revealed unique chemotypes in all regions,

and particularly in central Israel, combining significantly elevated

levels of the most potent compounds according to Polyak et al.

(2010; PNAS 107:5995-5999) of taxifolin, isosilybin A, silybin A,



concluded that

the high variation in climatic conditions across Israel contributed

to the appearance of unique chemotypes, having great potential

for future varieties cultivated for silymarin.

Recent Publications

1. Degani A V Dudai, N Bechar A and Vaknin Y (2016) Shade

effects on leaf production and essential oil content and

composition of the novel herb

Eucalyptus citriodora


Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 19(2): 410–420.

2. Cohen-Zinder, H Leibovitz, Y Vaknin, G Sagi, A Shabtay,

et al. (2015) Effect of feeding

Moringa oleifera


silage to lactating cows on digestibility and efficiency of

milk production. Animal Feed Science and Technology


3. Vaknin Y Dudai, NMurkhovsky, L Gelfandbein, L Fischer R

and Degani A (2009) Effects of pot size on leaf production

and essential oil content and composition of



hook. (Lemon-scented gum). Journal of Herbs

Spices and Medicinal Plants. 15:1–13.

4. Steinitz B, Tabib Y, Gaba V, Gefen T, Vaknin Y (2008)

Vegetative micro-cloning sustaining biodiversity of

threatened Moringa species.

In Vitro

Cell. Dev.Biol.-Plant


5. Vaknin Y Hadas, R Schafferman, D Murkhovsky L and

Bashan N (2007) The potential of milk thistle (



L.), an Israeli native, as a source of edible

sprouts rich in antioxidants. International Journal of Food

Sciences and Nutrition 20:1–8.

Analysis of silymarin content and composition of the

Mediterranean milk thistle (Silybum marianum) in Israel reveals

unique chemotypes as potential varieties for medicinal purposes

Yiftach Vaknin

ARO Volcani Center, Israel

Yiftach Vaknin, Am J Ethnomed 2018, Volume 5

DOI: 10.21767/2348-9502-C1-005