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August 17-18, 2017 | Toronto, Canada


Ann Biol Sci, 2017

ISSN: 2348-1927

Hedgehog signaling scenario in the hematopoietic microenvironment of chronic agricultural pesticide

induced aplastic bone marrow

Sujata Law

Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine, India


veractivation of hedgehog signaling has been found

to be associated with a wide variety of hematological

and nonhematological malignancies including cancer stem

cells. However, involvement of the hedgehog signaling

system in bone marrow hematopoietic microenvironment

during the progression of the bone marrow aplasia

is absolutely unknown. In the present work, we have

developed an agricultural pesticide formulation (fungicide,

organophosphate and pyrethroid) induced bone marrow

aplasia mouse model to recapitulate the human aplastic

anemia like condition in the laboratory to study the aplastic

hematopoietic microenvironment in the light of HH-GLI

signaling pathway. Our study has unfolded the fact that

chronic pesticide exposure caused downregulation of

intrasignaling feedback of PATCH1 and GLI1 by inhibiting the

SMO internalization and upregulating downstream negative

regulators SU(FU), PKC-δ and βTrCP. Upregulation of negative

regulators not only hampers the execution of the hedgehog

signaling but also cripples the autocrine-paracrine crosstalk

in between bone marrow primitive compartment and

stromal compartment. Simultaneously, individual pesticide

versus hedgehog signaling study revealed that hexaconazole

disrupted hematopoietic hedgehog signaling activation

by inhibiting SMO and facilitating PKC-δ expression.

Contrarily, chloropyriphos increased the cytoplasmic

sequestration and degradation of GLI1 by upregulating

SU(FU) and βTrCP sequentially. Whereas, cypermethrin

mediated antagonization of the hedgehog signaling was

circumvented by noncanonical activation of GLI1. However,

such marrow degenerative condition can be compensated

by the recombinant sonic hedgehog. We can conclude that

pesticide exposure induced bone marrow aplasia is the

direct manifestation of downregulated hedgehog signaling

in the bone marrow microenvironment and application of

recombinant sonic hedgehog could be a way to improve the

overall scenario.


Ann Biol Sci, 2017, 5:3

DOI: 10.21767/2348-1927-C1-003