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A t h e n s , G r e e c e
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Archives of Clinical Microbiology
ISSN: 1989-8436
Virology and Infectious Diseases 2019
EuroSciCon Conference on
Virology and Infectious Diseases
otential role of CRISPR type mechanisms in antibiotic resistance: there has been increasing attention directed
toward antimicrobial resistance as a contributory factor with respect to current severity level issues (as defined
by UN and WHO) in regards to infectious disease type situations globally. This presentation discusses the possibility
that pathogens may contain mechanisms similar to that of the CRISPR type category which conduct analysis of the
human genes in assessment of what genes contribute the robustness of human cells with regards to antibiotics, as a
means to determine how to enhance functioning in a manner as to achieve sturdy and robust protection against the
anti-replicative (and toxic) effects of antimicrobials by way of mimicking the genetic functions of human beings. The
above is as opposed to development of pathogen resistance being based simply on random mutation and survival of
microorganisms that have (through random mutation) come to contain enhanced survival functioning. This research
however is only in the early phases. Previous research has already shown that micro-organisms through actual
molecular mimicry have managed to develop the ability to perform voltage gated ion channel communications to each
other. Other current research by the presenting author: application of quantum physics to medicine and surgery; to
advance into the future, the practice of medicine and surgery; site attachment inhibition therapeutics: development
of the third branch of antimicrobial therapeutics. As opposed to the two historic methods, site attachment inhibition
focuses on negation of attachment by the micro-organism to the human cellular biology. Site attachment inhibition
includes new generation immunization which utilises stem cell therapy in the period of embryogenesis, spanning back
to oogenesis and spermatogenesis. In conclusion, this presentation discusses new areas of research with regards to
antibiotic resistance.
simonraymondcontact@gmail.comAntibiotic resistance and potential role of CRISPR
type mechanisms
Simon Raymond
Melbourne University, Australia
Arch Clin Microbiol 2019, Volume:10
DOI: 10.4172/1989-8436-C1-018