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Polymer Sciences | ISSN: 2471-9935
October 02-03, 2017 Chicago, USA
International Conference on
Polymer Science and Engineering
Experimental and simulation study of tensionproperties of unsaturated reinforcedpolyesterat low temperature
Saad R Ahmed
and Sanjeev Khanna
University of Missouri Columbia, USA
he cryogenic properties of polymers have received great attention with new developments inmilitary and petrochemical processes
that require operation at low temperature. This paper presents the evaluation of unsaturated reinforced polyester under static and
dynamic loading at extreme temperatures. An environmental chamber was used to test the influence of sub-zero process temperatures
on the tensile properties of the specimens. Simulation of tensile properties has be conducted by LS-DYNA and compared with the
experimental results. Microstructure examination of the specimens after failure is conducted and evaluated.
Saad Ahmed is a PhD candidates in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering school in University of Missouri Columbia.. Over 7 years, experience of working on a mile-
stone driven as well as economically competitive projects for the development and commercialization of innovative materials. Extensive knowledge and experience in the
material characterization and specifications measurement techniques for the industrial materials of manufacturing to provide optimized design. He hands on experience
on the experimental and computational fluid dynamics. Creative individual with excellent problem solving skills and practical sense of connecting science and technology:
srazp9@mail.missouri.eduSaad R Ahmed et al., Polym Sci, 3:3
DOI: 10.4172/2471-9935-C1-002
Figure: Typical stress versus strain curves in tension and compression for the polyester resin.