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Polymer Sciences | ISSN: 2471-9935
October 02-03, 2017 Chicago, USA
International Conference on
Polymer Science and Engineering
Formulation and evaluation of oral mucosal casein salt film for the anti-diabetic activity
H R Patel, G N Patel
R K Patel
Ganpat University, India
o develop the novel formulation in the era of modern drug delivery system with their biodegradable drug delivery, we have
prepared the oral mucoadhesive formulation from the protein material like salts of casein. It has shown good compatibility and
desire drug release with no side effect. Different concentration of sodium caseinate, calcium caseinate was added in a polymer mixture
to prepare the films were evaluated for physical parameters.
diffusion studies of the patches were performed and the samples
were analyzed by HPLC method. The cumulative percent drug release was plotted against time and the slope of the linear portion of
the curve estimated by first order, korsemeyer’s equation and higuchi kinetics. The IR spectral data and DSC studies showed that there
was no interaction between drug and utilized polymers. All the films were found to be flexible, smooth surface texture, transparent
and uniform in weight and thickness. Among all formulations, formulations F4 shows 93.24% drug release at the end of 12 hrs. The
films prepared from casein salt have shown a diffusion controlled release. Hence these formulations were further subjected for in-situ
diffusion studies and
correlation was carried out. Different kinetic models were used for the determination of release
pattern. The present investigation resulted in the development of protein film for the drug delivery with good bioadhesive strength
and further there is a scope to conduct the
diffusion studies by using various experimental animal models and correlate the
diffusion parameters.
Dr. H R Patel has completed his PhD study from S. K. P. C.P. E. R. Ganpat University (Pharmaceutical science) in Novembwe, 2009. He has worked on research Project in
Polymer and Pharmaceutical Sciences funded by Government of India. He has 25 National and Interntional Research paper Publication. His topic of interest is in Formula-
tion and Development of Sustained and Controlled release Drug Delivery System for oral mucosal drug delivery.
hrp12@ganpatuniversity.ac.inH R Patel et al., Polym Sci, 3:3
DOI: 10.4172/2471-9935-C1-002
drug release profile of insulin film