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Polymer Sciences | ISSN: 2471-9935
October 02-03, 2017 Chicago, USA
International Conference on
Polymer Science and Engineering
Photo-stability of low-density polyethylene and ethylene vinyl acetate blends with nanoclay: Towards
durable nanocomposites for agricultural films
Saul Sánchez-Valdés, J.G. Martínez-Colunga, E. Ramírez-Vargas, L.F. Ramos-DeValle
R.R. Ramírez-Vargas
Applied Chemistry Research Center (CIQA), Mexico
olyethylene / ethylene vinyl acetate films are prepared and characterized in the presence of three different organo-modified clays.
Two organo-modified clays, C20A and I28E, with different type of surfactant, in terms of polarity and number of tallows, is
analyzed. The influence of clay organo-modifier on film morphology, mechanical and photo-oxidative degradation performance
is studied. As well as the effect of the incorporation of a maleic anhydride grafted Polyethylene (PEgMA) as compatibilizer. The
combined effect of these clays with two different UV-oxidative protection systems for PE/EVA nanostructured films is evaluated. Two
types of UV stabilizer combination systems is used. One, designed as MB-A with a heat and light stabilizers of blends of antioxidants
(phenolic and metal deactivator, Irgatec NC66) with hindered amines, Tinuvin 494AR and other, designed as MB-B with blends of
metal deactivator antioxidant, Irganox MD1024 with hindered amines Tinuvin NOR 371 and benzophenones, Chimasorb 81. A
strong influence is observed in the use of compatibilizing agent, type and content of nanoclay in the degree of dispersion as well as
in the photo-oxidation behavior. The structure obtained is very dependent on the modified clay used; mostly, intercalated-exfoliated
structure is produced. These films can be an attractive option for agricultural greenhouse cover films since the clay enhance the
greenhouse effect reducing the passage of infrared radiation from the soil during the night maintaining warmer the film covered
Saul Sanchez has him expertise in preparation and characterization of polymer nanomaterials. He is a senior researcher at Applied Chemistry Research Center
(CIQA) for more than 29 years. He received his PhD in Materials Engineering from the UANL in Mexico. He has published more than 70 technical papers, 6 patents
and 3 books related with polymer material science, and has supervised more than 20 MSc and PhD thesis. His research work at CIQA has been related most with:
polymer processing, polymer nanocomposite materials, polymer functionalization and characterization
saul.sanchez@ciqa.edu.mxSaul Sánchez-Valdés et al., Polym Sci, 3:3
DOI: 10.4172/2471-9935-C1-002
Figure 1. STEM images of: (a) PE/EVA/C20A (b) PE/EVA/
Figure 2. TGA of PE/EVA/Clay with two types of
UV stabilizers
Figure 3. Elongation change with time of