Pharma 2018
Page 35
E u r o p e a n C o n g r e s s o n
A u g u s t 1 3 - 1 4 , 2 0 1 8
P a r i s , F r a n c e
American Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics
ISSN: 2393-8862
icellar solubilisation is a great method for increasing drugs solubility
in aqueous environments. At concentrations above the critical micelle
concentration (CMC), micelles are formed and they are able to increase the
apparent aqueous solubility of poorly soluble drugs. Sodium lauryl sulfate
(SLS) is one of the common solubilizing agents in pharmaceutical sciences.
Investigation on the water solubility of drugs in the presence of surfactants
and the development of a relationship between drug solubility in the presence
of SLS and structural descriptors is an important issue in the prediction and
understanding of the solubilisation mechanism. The aims of this study are:
determination of experimental solubility of drugs in the presence of SLS and
development of models for finding a relationship between solubilisation factor
by SLS and structural descriptors. Samples were prepared by adding excess
amount of 19 drugs (with diverse structural and physicochemical properties)
to water and an aqueous solution of SLS at different concentrations, that is,
less than (0.1%) and above the CMC (0.5%). The mixtures were placed in a
shaker-incubator for 72-96 h at 37°C. Then, the equilibrated samples were
filtered and analyzed at maximum wavelengths by UV-spectrophotometry and
the concentrations were calculated based on the calibration curves. Afterward,
the molecular descriptors of drugs were computed and their relationship with
solubilization factor in the presence of SLS was investigated. Most of the
drugs showed a considerable increase in solubility above the CMC (0.5%) of
SLS. Therefore, the effective mechanism for solubilization by surfactants is
the formation of micelles. On the other hand, a good correlation was observed
between structural descriptors and solubilization power in the presence of
surfactant. Overall, SLS is a good solubilization agent and the solubility in
aqueous solution of SLS depends on various structural descriptors.
Ali Shayanfar obtained his Pharma D in 2009 and PhD in
Pharmaceutical Chemistry in 2013 from Tabriz University of
Medical Sciences. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor of
Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Tabriz University of Medical
Sciences and has published more than 70 research articles
in international journals. He has received gold medals from
the Iranian Razi Research Festival in 2013 for his academic
shayanfara@outlook.comSolubilization of drugs using sodium lauryl sulfate: experimental
data and modelling
Ali Shayanfar, Mohammad Norouz Alizadeh and Abolghasem
Tabriz University of Medical Science, Tabriz, Iran
Ali Shayanfar et al., Am J Pharmacol Pharmacother 2018, Volume 5
DOI: 10.21767/2393-8862-C1-003