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Volume 3, Issue 3 (Suppl)

J Obes Eat Disord

ISSN: 2471-8203

Obesity Medicine 2017

October 30-31, 2017

October 30-31, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand



International Conference on

Obesity Medicine

Weight loss is a mind game

Ruxandra Ana Maria Dzubaila

Fit Trim Slim, Romania.


ost of the people that are overweight or obese, know at a certain level what is good or what is bad for their health. They

most probably know which food is healthy, which food will make them fit and which food is unhealthy that will make

themmore overweight or obese. Even though knowing this, they still choose what is wrong. Why? Why do they choose what is

wrong over what is right knowing that, this is not what they want? It is because the decisions they make although appear to be

that, they are taking these decisions and actually they are not. They do decide at a conscious level what to eat (the wrong things)

because are overpowered by the unconscious level what to choose. That’s why they choose wrong over right. They know at the

conscious level it’s wrong to choose for example junk food, they also decide at the conscious level to eat it, but it is because their

unconscious level of their mind supports this decision, otherwise they wouldn't go for it. They think that the decision is theirs,

but actually it's a decision that is taken at an unconscious level of mind that overpowers them. The unconscious level of the

mind is the mind that takes care of the proper functioning of the body, like heart beating, digestion and blood flow, everything.

We don't tell our body to start the heart beating, the unconscious mind does it for us and as well the unconscious mind will

keep a person obese if the unconscious mind is not trained to do otherwise. As well, if we are talking about obese people, only

a few of them genetically are more prone to be obese and also another few they have health problems that lead them to obesity,

but now all, not the majority. The majority of people that gained weight and became obese they were not obese all their life’s.

Something happened that made them obese and usually what happened is not that they decided one day to eat more and day

by day they become obese, no. What happened is something that hurt them psychologically, made them turned to food and

became obese. From all my research on working with people who are obese or overweight, I have reached to the conclusion

that obesity is more of a mind problem and if this mind problem is solved then obesity will disappear.

J Obes Eat Disord 2017, 3:3

DOI: 10.21767/2471-8203-C1-006