Environmental Science & Technology 2018
Journal of Environmental Research
Page 59
March 29-31, 2018
Vienna, Austria
Edition of International Conference on
Environmental Science
& Technology 2018
he objective of this work was to investigate the effect of
different soil cultivation practices in sunflower cultivation.
For this purpose an experimental field was established in central
Greece (in Larissa). The minimum slope percent of the field was
5% while treatments being applied were both conventional tillage
and no-tillage with two tillage directions (contour and inclination).
There were four treatments with three replications each. The
treatments were conventional tillage - contour direction (CT-
CD), no tillage - contour direction (NT-CD), conventional tillage -
inclination direction (CT-ID) and no tillage - inclination direction
(NT-ID). Sunflower was sown on July 6th 2015 and was harvested
on October 10
2015. During the experiment generation, plant
height, leaf surface and total biomass were measured. According
to the results the best germination noticed in the CT-ID treatment.
Plant height ranged from 64.9 cm to the CT-CD treatment to
85.2 cm to the CT-ID treatment. Also, the total biomass weight
was higher in CT-CD treatment and lower in NT-ID treatment.
Therefore, the soil cultivation practices play an important role in
plant growth, in biomass and in yield production.
Molla A has completed her PhD from the University of Thessaly, School of
Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agriculture Crop Production and Rural
Environment Soil Science Lab and Postdoctoral studies from the Depart-
ment of Soil Water Resources, National Agricultural Research Foundation,
Greece. She has published nine papers in reputed journals and 11 papers in
international conferences.
katrinmol@yahoo.grThe effect of soil cultivation practices in sunflower Helianthus
annus cultivation
Molla A
, Skoufogianni E
, Mollas St
Chatzikirou E
University of Thessaly, Greece
Elgo-Dimitra Theofrastou, Greece
Molla A et al., J Environ Res, Volume 2