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Environmental Science & Technology 2018

Journal of Environmental Research

Page 54

March 29-31, 2018

Vienna, Austria



Edition of International Conference on

Environmental Science

& Technology 2018


he skeleton of brain corals (

Diploria strigosa

) collected near the

mouth of Haina River in Saint Domingo, Dominican Republic,

were analyzed for lead (Pb) in order to reconstruct the history of

local pollution of heavy metals in the river catchment area. The

micro-samples from the sampling transect along the growth axis

of a coral colony (Colony id: SDM13-02) were prepared to study the

temporal variability of heavy metal loading from the Haina River.

The Pb concentrations in the skeletal samples were measured

using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. Since

annual banding in the coral skeleton was not clear, we measured

Sr/Ca ratios of micro-samples to determine the age of the coral

colony. The age model was constructed by matching Sr/Ca

ratio variations with seawater temperature since skeletal Sr/

Ca ratio predominantly reflects seawater temperature. The Pb

concentrations near the bottom of the colony, which corresponds

to the skeletal portion precipitated around 2000, were significantly

high as compared to the remaining part of the skeletal transect

with Pb variations of baseline/background levels. Another coral

colony collected nearby SDM13-02 colony also showed similar

temporal variation of Pb along the growth axis. The results suggest

that the coral Pb profiles presumably reflect the pollution history

of the coastal area off Haina River mouth. Further investigation

is required to confirm coral ability for reconstructing heavy metal

pollution in the coastal areas. Corals may be unique archives not

only for past climate records but also for pollution history.

Recent Publications

1. Satoshi Nakai, Jun-ya Shibata, Akira Umehara, Tetsuji

Okuda and Wataru Nishijima (2018) Filtration rate of

the ascidian Ciona savignyi and its possible impact.

Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine

Sciences DOI: 10.1007/s41208-017-0061-y.

2. Bell T, Nishida K, Ishikawa K, Suzuki A, Nakamura T,

Sakai K, Ohno Y, Iguchi A and Yokoyama Y (2017)

Temperature-controlled culture experiments with

primary polyps of coral


: calcification

rate variations and skeletal Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, and Na/

Ca ratios. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,

Palaeoecology DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.03.016

3. Nakamura T, Iguchi A, Suzuki A, Sakai K and Nojiri

Y(2017) Effects of acidified seawater on calcification,

photosynthetic efficiencies, and the recovery

processes from strong light exposure in coral

Stylophora pistillata

. Marine Ecology DOI: 10.1111/


4. Iwasaki S, M Inoue, ASuzuki, OSasaki, HKano, A Iguchi,

K Sakai and H Kawahata (2016) The role of symbiotic

algae in the formation of the coral polyp skeleton: 3-D

morphological study based on X-ray microcomputed

tomography. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems


5. Wataru Nishijima, Akira Umehara, Satoshi Sekito,

Tetsuji Okuda and Satoshi Nakai (2016) Spatial

and temporal distributions of secchi depths in the

Suo Nada of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, exposed to

anthropogenic nutrient loading, Science of the Total

Environment 571:543-550.


Satoshi Nakai has completed his PhD in Tokyo University of Agriculture and

Technology and Postdoctoral studies from the Japan Society for the Pro-

motion of Science. He is a Professor at Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima

University, Japan. He has published more than 100 papers in journals.

Reconstruction of lead pollution history based on analysis of coral

skeleton samples

Satoshi Nakai


, Mayuri Inoue


, Atsushi Suzuki


, Tetsuji Okuda


, Yuji Sakuno



Wataru Nishijima


, Marcos Rodriguez



Conrado Depratt



Hiroshima University, Japan


Okayama University, Japan


National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan


Ryukoku University, Japan


Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Satoshi Nakai et al., J Environ Res, Volume 2