Environmental Science & Technology 2018
Journal of Environmental Research
Page 52
March 29-31, 2018
Vienna, Austria
Edition of International Conference on
Environmental Science
& Technology 2018
ontamination of heavy metals in soil is a major problem that
causes damage to the environment. The research was carried
out to study the efficiency of phosphate fertilizer, including
phosphate rock, diammonium phosphate, and monopotassium
phosphate at 0, 2.5, 5 and 7.5 g/kg soil to stabilize lead, cadmium,
andmanganesecontaminatedsoil.Thesoil collected fromRayong
Province which is one of the most industrialized provinces in
Thailand. The stabilizers were applied to an acid sandy clay loam
soil for one month. The pH value, the total concentration of heavy
metals, heavy metal forms in soil by six step sequential extraction
and potential to enter the biological system by single step
extraction (EDTA, NH
OAc, DTPA, and CaCl
) were studied. The
results showed that phosphate rock, diammoniumphosphate, and
monopotassium phosphate increase soil pH from 3.60 to 6.5, 7.0
and 5.2 respectively. Phosphate fertilizers could change unstable
forms (water extractable, exchangeable, and bound to carbonates
form) to more stable forms (bound to Fe and Mn-oxides, bound
to organic matter, and residual form) of heavy metals. Phosphate
rock (7.5 g /kg soil) has the highest potential for reducing the
mobility of all three metals (about 80% for Mn, 60% for Cd, and
50% for Pb), followed by monopotassium phosphate. The results
obtained from the extraction with diethylene triamine penta acetic
acid (DTPA) and CaCl
were found closely related to the results
obtained from the sequential extraction method. Phosphate rock
was the best to reduce potentially toxic metals phytoavailability.
Soil improvement with phosphate fertilizer was considered a
good alternative for stabilizing soils contaminated with cadmium,
lead, and manganese.
Recent Publications
1. Chaiyaraksa C, Jaipong T, Tamnao P and Imjai A
(2017) Durian and mangosteen shell-derived biochar
amendment on the removal of zinc, lead and cadmium.
Thammasat International Journal of Science and
Technology 22:87-97.
C Chaiyaraksa has completed her MSc degree in Analytical Chemistry from
Bristol University, UK and PhD in Environmental Engineering from Asian In-
stitute of Technology (AIT), Thailand. She is working as a Lecturer at King
Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang since 1998. She teaches
Hazardous Waste Management, Air Pollution Control, Environmental Im-
pact Assessment and Environmental Chemistry. In 2017, she contributed
her research works in many conferences (three papers in Thailand, one pa-
per in UK, one paper in Egypt). She is a Reviewer for Journal of Cleaner Pro-
duction and Thammasat International Journal of Science and Technology.
Her research grants this year are on the topic: Adsorption of copper (II) and
nickel (II) by chitosan-modified magnetic biochar derived from
and immobilization of cadmium in soil using magnetic biochar
derived from
Eichhornia crassipes.
kcchompoonut@gmail.comMobility retardation of Cd, Pb, Mn in acid soil using phosphate
C Chaiyaraksa
N Rodsa
King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand
C Chaiyaraksa et al., J Environ Res, Volume 2