Environmental Science & Technology 2018
Journal of Environmental Research
Page 53
March 29-31, 2018
Vienna, Austria
Edition of International Conference on
Environmental Science
& Technology 2018
he management team of a naturalistic village nearly AMATA,
Chonburi,Thailand needs to construct a swimming pool that
look on the top view like a leaf or heart. Because of the pools
irregular shape that all depth is 1.8 m, the approximated size is
15x30 m, the team has to the area for a pool contractor solving
the cost for this leaf or heart swimming pool. Since this problem
and the main objective of the customer need approximating to a
leaf or heart swimming pool cost, sketching shape and analyzing
is done. To analyze by applied mathematics, the integration and
numerical method (the trapezoidal rule) are solved. Finally, this
estimated cost is 16,000.00 Thai baht per
and over all about
108.75 x 16,000=1,740,000.00 Thai baht that is about 52,000$
Recent Publications
1. Sarawut Suwannaut and Kanchana Kuimnungkit,
Analysis of Effective Neurospora Process Model,
International Conference in Mathematics and
Applications MAHIDOL University 2011,367-373
2. Tatiporn Pattranurakyothin and Kanchana Kumnungkit,
Forecasting Model for Para Rubber’s Export Sales, The
Third KMITL-TKU Joint International Symposium on
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (MAM2012),
28-29 July 2012, 120-124
3. Kanchana Kumnungkit, Application of Flat Rate or
Compound Rate Using, Conference of the International
Journal of Arts & Sciences, CD-ROM. Issn:1943-6114
: 07(03), 2014,379-384
4. Kanchana Kumnungkit, Wariya Chatsut, Wittaya
Pattranurakyothi,New Computer Program to Simulate
a Neurospora Biorhythm, 3rd International conference
of supply chain & Technology Innovation proceeding,
Sep 5-9 , 2016,16-23
5. K.Kumnungkit,S.Suwannaut,ComparativeNeurospora
Biorhythms on light VS light with Frq Protein, www.
diogenes.bg/ijam/contents/2017-30-1/5/index.html,International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2017,
59-71. ISSN: 1311-1728 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-
8060 (on-line version).
Kanchana Kumnungkit completed her PhD in 2005 fromMahidol University,
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics. She is working at Mathe-
matics Department, Faculty of science, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technol-
ogy Ladkrabang, Bangkok, Thailand since 1994. Now She is the head of the
department and her interest is in mathematical modelling fields.
kanchana.ku@kmitl.ac.th kkumnungkit@gmail.comAdaptive the rule-approximation to find the area of a swimming pool
Kanchana Kumnungkit
King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand
Kanchana Kumnungkit, J Environ Res, Volume 2