Environmental Science & Technology 2018
Journal of Environmental Research
Page 55
March 29-31, 2018
Vienna, Austria
Edition of International Conference on
Environmental Science
& Technology 2018
s the concentration of population is accelerating in the urban
areas, various environment-related issues are emerging in Korea.
As the government recently decided to make public statements
on the resumption of construction of Sin-Gori units no. 5 and 6
construction, the public is also more comfortable and responsible in
the decision-making process of environment-related issues. Various
environmental issues exist, but it is still small enough to understand
them and solve them by taking care of communication and decision
making. Since the introduction of the revised curriculum 2015 has
emphasized the decision making aspects of the national education
objectives more, learning mechanisms that focus on environment-
related issues need to be practiced by students. The aspects seen
in previous studies with regard to particulate matters are to provide
sufficient learning and information about fine dust, starting with the
definition of particulate matters or to be measured and then to be
shown as numerical values (Park, 2014). If the existing classes are
enough to verify students ‘ perceptions, it is necessary to take a step
forward by changing the ones based on the recognition.
Therefore, to analyze the causes and results of particulate matter,
the system accident activity is carried out to identify the causes of
particulate matter and to carry out the activities for the previous
study. A discussion on environmental issues related to particulate
matters is pursued with immersion in hand, and the overall method
of class will be a Havruta(The Jewish traditional model of debating
learning) model.
Reference was made to a prior study of the Havruta model to
develop a immersion discussion program. Havruta is generally
described as a three-level organization in which listening, speaking
clearly, and asking questions are key points, and supporting or
criticizing opinions(Kent, 2010; Choi, 2016, Huh, 2016). The Havruta
classroom model can be applied differently depending on the
subjects associated with it, such as the interrogatory Havruta, the
argumentative Havruta, the comparative center Havruta, and the
making up of a friend Havruta(Choi, 2017). Usually, the science
curriculum makes use of the question-oriented Havruta model, but
since environmental education requires convergence, it is applied to
the class by assessing the suitability of each subject. The topic of
fine dust is to be used, as the argument-oriented havruta appears to
be the appropriate model of instruction. The argumentative-oriented
Havruta process is based on a basic structure : a thesis, a group
discussion, and a presentation.
The first difference between the existing fine dust classes is that
they are not limited to the provision of knowledge and information,
but rather to the discussion and consideration of the surrounding
situations, and the second is the student-oriented class. In order
to participate in the class, individual students need to participate
actively, such as advance research or opinion generation. Finally, I
think the most different thing is to cultivate the environment and the
effect of this programbecause it can draw attention to environmental
issues other than the contents of textbooks.
Because this study aims to determine whether the environment
quality changes by learning the decision process for environment-
related issues, further studies are needed to determine the actual
effectiveness of the environment. It is expected that a variety of more
effective student-focused methodologies will be developed during
the classroom progression on these environmental issues.
Recent Publications
1. Kim Y S and Shin S E (2017) Suggestions for environmental
education to develop personality and creativity along with
college students’ environmental consciousness. Journal
of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction 17(3):451-
2. KimYSandShinSE (2017)Theeffect ofmicrobial treatment
and light intensity on indoor dracaena foliage color. Journal
of Korea Society of Color Studies 31(3):113-119.
3. Shin S E and Kim Y S (2015) A study on necessity of color
education for early childhood education teachers based on
the analysis of the color education status in nuri curriculum.
Journal of Korea Society of Color Studies 29(3):97-106.
SangEun Shin is on a course of a doctor’s degree of Ecology Education from
Ewha Womans University. She’s interested in the convergence of the environ-
mental ecology field. So She is working on Eco-Sensitivity. She teaches Ecology
and Environment at Sahmyook University. She also teaches botany inmany gar-
dens, such as Everland garden.
sangeun416@gmil.comStudy on the process of decision making and change in the
environment-specific of environmental issues for middle school
students : focused on fine dust
Sangeun Shin
Ewha Womans University, South Korea
Sangeun Shin, J Environ Res, Volume 2