Page 44
Volume 4
December 10-12, 2018
Rome, Italy
Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
Advanced Materials 2018
Nano Engineering 2018
International Conference on
Advanced Materials
and Simulation
Edition of International Conference on
Nano Engineering &
n recent years, additive manufacturing (AM) technology,
especially powder bed fusion method has been well
developed. One of the powder bed fusion technologies is
called electron beam additive manufacturing (EBAM). The
microstructure of EBAM parts of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy is usually
characterized by the acicular martensitic alpha () and fine
lamellar Widmanstätten (+) structure inside the prior grain.
However, there are challenges to control the volume fractions
between different phases during this process. In this study,
the effect of energy input on the microstructure of Ti-6Al-4V
samples fabricated by EBAM is examined. The processing
parameters of energy input are designed by the prediction of
thermal field simulation. The relationship between the current
input and the microstructure evolution is clarified by analyzing
the volume fractions of different phases and the mechanical
properties. The results show that the energy input would
influence the microstructure of the samples made by EBAM
and thus would differ in the mechanical properties accordingly.
Recent Publications
1. M Thomas, G J Baxter and I Todd (2016) Normalised
model-based processing diagrams for additive layer
manufacture of engineering alloys. Acta Materialia
2. S L Sing, J An, WY Yeong and F EWiria (2016) Laser and
electron-beam powder-bed additive manufacturing of
metallic implants: a review on processes, materials
and designs. Journal of Orthopaedic Research
3. P Wang, X Tan, M L S Nai, S B Tor and J Wei (2016)
Spatial and geometrical-based characterization of
microstructure and microhardness for an electron
beam melted Ti–6Al–4V component. Materials &
Design 95:287-295.
4. X Zhao, S Li, M Zhang, Y Liu, T B Sercombe, S Wang,
Y Hao, R Yang and L E Murr (2016) Comparison of
the microstructures and mechanical properties of
Ti–6Al–4V fabricated by selective laser melting and
electron beam melting. Materials and Design 95:21-
M T Tsai is a Postdoctoral fellow in the 3D Printing Medical Research In-
stitute at Asia University in Taiwan. He has completed his PhD at National
Sun Yat-sen University, Republic of China in 2018. His research fields include
nano/micro scaled mechanical behavior and microstructure. Currently, his
main research is focused on aluminum- scandium alloys by additive man-
tommytsai0513@gmail.comEnergy input effects on microstructure evolution
of Ti- 6Al-4V fabricated by electron beam additive
M T Tsai
1, 2
, Y C Wu
, Y L Su
2, 4
C N Kuo
1, 2
Asia University, Republic of China
Asia University, Republic of China
National Sun Yat-Sen University, Republic of China
3D Printing Medical Research Cente-China Medical University Hospital, Republic of China
M T Tsai et al., Nano Res Appl 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C7-027