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Volume 4

December 10-12, 2018

Rome, Italy

Nano Research & Applications

ISSN: 2471-9838

Advanced Materials 2018

Nano Engineering 2018




International Conference on

Advanced Materials

and Simulation




Edition of International Conference on

Nano Engineering &



anotechnology-based cargo delivery to cells is a promising

assay due to its efficiency and biocompatibility. Time-

consuming and uncontrollable deliver amount are still

thresholds in related research. In this study, we design a

nanopillar-based platform for liposome delivery in vitro.

Thermoreponsive copolymer (p(NIPAm-co-AEMA)) is grafted

from silicon nanowire (SINW) as a polymer nano brush to

equip temperature-controllable liposome conjugations of the

SINW. A liposome is introduced onto the polymer nano brush

to form a nano-by-nano interface and is released through

thermal-stimuli to generate a high local concentration for

cellular uptake. Cryo-TEM images show that liposomes can

attach to the polymer nano brush to form liposome-tethered

nanopillars. Fluorescence quantifications suggest that up to

90% of the attached liposomes can be released with intactness.

Furthermore, HEK 293T cell and calcein-loaded liposome

are employed to investigate the cellular uptake kinetics.

We found that the cellular uptake kinetic of HEK 293T cell is

highly correlated to temperature stimulus in the nano-by-nano

system. Fluorescence intensity difference quantified by flow

cytometry indicate elevated cellular uptake efficiency, which is

more than 10-fold increments at 4-hour incubation. Confocal

images show that the liposomes stay at cytoplasm instead of

lipid membrane after cellular uptake. In conclusion, we could

deliver liposome to cells efficiently with the designed system

and we hope these efforts could open a new era in biological

engineering and tissue engineering.


Mr. Gautam received his master degree in Chemical Science from Institute

of chemical technology (ICT), Mumbai, India. After completing his master

degree he worked 2 years as Research Assistance at Aditya Birla Science

and Technology Company. He is currently a pursuing his Ph.D. study at Insti-

tute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

Developing “SMART” Nano by Nano System for

Efficient Liposome Delivery in vitro

Bhaskarchand Gautam


, Chun-Hao Luo


, Hua-De Gao


, Hsian-Rong Tseng,#

Hsien-Ming Lee


* and Hsiao-hua Yu




Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan; 2Taiwan International

Graduate Program (TIGP), Sustainable Chemical Science and Technology (SCST), Academia

Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, #Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, California Nano

System Institute University of California, Los Angeles 570 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles,


Bhaskarchand Gautam et al., Nano Res Appl 2018, Volume 4

DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C7-027