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Volume 4

December 10-12, 2018

Rome, Italy

Nano Research & Applications

ISSN: 2471-9838

Advanced Materials 2018

Nano Engineering 2018




International Conference on

Advanced Materials

and Simulation




Edition of International Conference on

Nano Engineering &



n this work, we report on some of the fundamental chemical

and physical processes responsible for the deposition of

graphene by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition

(PECVD). The graphene is grown by plasma decomposition

of a methane and hydrogen mixture (CH




) at moderate

pressures over polycrystalline metal catalysts. In situ optical

emission spectroscopy (OES) technique was used to measure

the rotational temperature of the plasma and the H-atom

relative concentration under different experimental conditions

obtained by varying the plasma power (300-400 W), total

pressure (10-25 mbar), substrate temperature (700-1000°C),

methane flow rate (1-10 sccm) and catalyst nature (Co-Cu).

Then, three complementary modeling approaches (0D, 1D

and 2D) were developed to analyze the plasma environment

during graphene growth. The transient zero-dimensional

(0D) configuration was used for evaluation of the effects of

reactor conditions and permits the identification of dominant

reactions and key species during graphene growth. This

approach is useful for identifying the relevant set of species

and reactions to consider in a higher-dimensional model. The

one-dimensional and two-dimensional models were developed

to predict the gas temperature and the species concentrations

for different process conditions by involving gas-phase and

surface reaction mechanisms. The 0D, 1D and 2D models are

validated by comparison with experimental data obtained from

atomic and molecular emission spectra, providing insight into

graphene growth under specific plasma conditions.

Recent Publications

1. A Mehedi, B Baudrillart, D Alloyeau, O Mouhoub,

C Ricolleau, V D Pham, C Chacon, A Gicquel, J

Lagoute, and S Farhat (2016) Synthesis of graphene

by cobalt-catalyzed decomposition of methane in

plasma-enhanced CVD: Optimization of experimental

parameters with Taguchi method. Journal of Applied

Physics 120:065304.

2. G Shivkumar, S S Tholeti, M A Alrefae, T S Fisher, and A

A Alexeenko (2016) Analysis of hydrogen plasma in a

microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition reactor.

Journal of Applied Physics 119:113301.

3. D Tsyganov, N Bundaleska, E Tatarova, A Dias, J

Henriques, A Rego, A Ferraria, M V Abrashev, F M Dias,

C C Luhrs, and J Phillips (2016) On the plasma-based

growth of ‘flowing’ graphene sheets at atmospheric

pressure conditions. Plasma Sources Science and

Technology 25:015013.


K Pashova studied Chemical Engineering at University of Chemical Technol-

ogy and Metallurgy Sofia, Bulgaria, and obtained her MSc degree in Chem-

ical and Process Engineering from University of Chemical Technology and

Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria. She is currently a PhD student in the group of Dr.

Samir Farhat at Laboratoire des Sciences des Procédés et des Matériaux,

CNRS, LSPM – UPR 3407, Université Paris 13, France. Her research inter-

ests include the synthesis of nanomaterials by Microwave plasma chemical

vapor deposition and induction; plasma diagnostics and plasma modeling.

Growth of graphene by plasma-assisted chemical

vapor deposition synthesis, modeling and


K Pashova

1, 2

, I Hinkov


, X Aubert


, S Prasanna


, F Bénédic



S Farhat



LSPM, CNRS – UPR 3407, Université Paris 13, France


Université de Technologie Chimique et de Métallurgique, Bulgaria

K Pashova et al., Nano Res Appl 2018, Volume 4

DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C7-027