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Volume 4

December 10-12, 2018

Rome, Italy

Nano Research & Applications

ISSN: 2471-9838

Advanced Materials 2018

Nano Engineering 2018




International Conference on

Advanced Materials

and Simulation




Edition of International Conference on

Nano Engineering &



ll solid state batteries are expected as the next generation

secondary batteries for their higher energy density,

inflammable properties, and so on. In order to develop these

batteries, there are several problems to improve. One of the

important to improve is the ionic conductivities of the solid

state electrolyte. In order to improve the ionic conductivity,

electronic states of the sulfide based lithium ion conducting

glasses were calculated by the DV-Xα cluster method, which is

one of the first principle density functional methods. The cluster

models were constructed by the coordination number reported

by experimental methods and the bond length estimated from

the ionic radii of each ion. The movement of the Li ion was

simulated by several model clusters with different positions

of the moving ion. The relationship between ionic conductivity

and the differential total bond overlap population (DBOP) of

the moving ion was discussed for the sulfide based glasses

in the systems Li








and Li






. In these

glasses, the DBOP with the movement of the lithium ion had

good negative correlations with the ionic conductivities and

positive correlations with the activation energies obtained by

the experimental measurements. In any cases, the smaller

change of DBOP of the moving cations played an important

role for the fast ion movement in the superionic conducting

glasses. In order to search for additives with higher ionic

conductivity, the composition dependence of differential total

bond overlap population with addition of various fourth periodic

elements to Li




solid state electrolyte was estimated, as

shown in the figure. As described above, the smaller change of

the total bond overlap population with the moving Li ion makes

lager ionic conductivities. The figure suggests that the addition

of In, Sn and Sb to Li




solid state electrolyte could show

larger ionic conductivities. This bonding state of the moving

cations is one of the characteristics of the electronic state in

the sulfide based lithium ion conducting glasses.

Recent Publications

1. Hakari T, Deguchi M, Mitsuhara K, Ohta T, Saito K,

Orikasa Y, Uchimoto Y, Kowada Y, Hayashi A and

Tatsumisago M (2017) Structural and electronic-

state changes of a sulfide solid electrolyte during

the li deinsertion-insertion processes. Chemistry of

Materials 29(11):4768-4774.

2. Matsuyama T, Deguchi M, Mitsuhara K, Ohta T, Mori

T, Orikasa Y, Uchimoto Y, Kowada Y, Hayashi A and

Tatsumisago M (2016) Structure analyses using X-ray

photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray absorption

near edge structure for amorphous MS3 (M: Ti, Mo)

electrodes in all-solid-state lithium batteries. Journal

of Power Sources 313:104-111.

3. Kowada Y, Hayashi A and Tatsumisago M (2010)

Chemical bonding of li ions in li7p3s11 crystal. Journal

of the Physical Society of Japan 79:65-68.

4. Kowada Y, Tatsumisago M and Minami T (2009)

Chemical bonding and lithium ion conductions in

Li3N. Solid State Ionics 180(6-8):462-466.

5. Kowada K, Nishitani W and Ogasawara K (2009) Total

cluster energy calculation of lithium ion conductors by

the dv-xα method. International Journal of Quantum

Chemistry 109(12):2658-2663.


Yoshiyuki Kowada has his expertise in structural analysis, electronic state

calculation and chemical bonding analysis of amorphous materials. He ap-

plied the DV-Xα cluster method, which is one of the first principle molecular

orbital calculations to the solid-state electrolytes and phosphor materials

with rare earth ions. Recently, he pays attention on the study about materials

to all solid state Li ion batteries for electric vehicles. He is the President of

the Society for Discrete Variational Xα.

Electronic state of sulfide based solid state

electrolytes applied to all solid state lithium ion

secondary batteries

Yoshiyuki Kowada

Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Japan

Yoshiyuki Kowada, Nano Res Appl 2018, Volume 4

DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C7-027