Page 39
Volume 4
December 10-12, 2018
Rome, Italy
Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
Advanced Materials 2018
Nano Engineering 2018
International Conference on
Advanced Materials
and Simulation
Edition of International Conference on
Nano Engineering &
n the present work the evolution of deformation
microstructure, nano hardness and chemical composition of
four FCC metals (Ag, Cu, Ni, Al) after friction in the lubricated
conditions are studied. Deformation hardening and grain size
as well as friction and wear depend strongly on stacking fault
energy (SFE). In light of the above, we evaluate here the effect
of plastic deformation on microstructure evolution, chemical
composition and hardness and their connection to the
friction and wear properties of studied metals with different
SFE. All friction lubricated tests were conducted using pure
polycrystalline FCC metals with different SFE. The cross
sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) lamellae
were prepared from the pins using a focused ion beam (FIB).
In TEM we analyzed regions of the pins after friction in steady
state, where the friction coefficient () and hardness (Hs)
remained unchanged with deformation in boundary lubrication
(BL). Thermally activated process of the rearrangement and
annihilation of dislocations are accelerated during friction of
Ni due to high SFE and contact temperature. Cross-sectional
microstructures observed normal and parallel to the direction
of friction are dissimilar. Steady state values of grain size,
ds and hardness, Hs after friction in lubricated conditions
are explained by a balance between hardening and dynamic
recovery in surface layers strongly depending on the SFE
and temperature. A correlation between the wear properties
(wear coefficient) and total work of deformation during nano
indentation shows a similarity in the nano and micro scales in
lubricated friction.
Recent Publications
1. A Moshkovich, I Lapsker, Y Feldman and L Rapoport
(2017) Severe plastic deformation of four FCC metals
during friction under lubricated conditions. Wear
2. I Popov, A Moshkovich, S R Cohen, V Perfilyev, A
Vakahy and L Rapoport (2018) Microstructure and
nano hardness of Ag and Ni under friction in boundary
lubrication. Wear 404:62-70.
3. I Popov, A Moshkovich, T Bendikov and L Rapoport
(2018) Deformation Microstructure and Chemical
Composition of Surface Layers of Cu and Al Under
Friction in Lubricated Conditions. Tribology Letters
Lev Rapoport is the Head of the Center for Materials Engineering and the
Laboratory of Tribology at the Holon Institute of Technology. Friction and
wear properties of fullerene-like nanoparticles were studied at first in his
laboratory. Last some years he studied the interaction between structure
friction and wear. He is the Principal Investigator in several research grants
sponsored by the Israel Ministry of Science, the Bi-national Israel-USA and
Germany-Israel Funds. He is the author more than 100 publications. He is
Vice-President of the Tribology Council in Israel.
rapoport@hit.ac.ilMicrostructure, nano hardness and chemical
composition of thin layers after friction of four FCC
metals in lubricated conditions
Lev Rapoport
, Inna Popov
Alexey Moshkovich
, Vladislav Perfilyev
, Tatyana
Sidney R Cohen
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Holon Institute of Technology, Israel
The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Lev Rapoport et al., Nano Res Appl 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C7-027