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May 24-25, 2018
London, UK
Vascular Surgery 2018
Edition of World Congress & Exhibition on
Vascular Surgery
Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy
ISSN: 2573-4482
rotid-cavernous fistulas, stenotic lesions of the head and neck arteries. In
2009 he defended his dissertation for the PhD in Medical Sciences - “En-
dovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysm in early hemorrhage periods
complicated with angiospasm.” In 2014 - defended his thesis for the degree
of Doctor of Medicine - “Diagnostics and endovascular treatment of intra-
cranial arterial aneurysms.”. He is the author of more than 200 published
scientific works. His scientific activities linked to the development of endo-
vascular neuroradiology in Ukraine. D. Scheglov was the first in Ukraine, who
used stents and coils for cerebral aneurysm occlusion (2002) and first, who
included liquid assets (including ONYX et al.) in treatment process of other
cerebral vascular pathology (AVM).