Medchem & Toxicology 2018
Page 94
Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
ISSN: 2472-1123
A n n u a l C o n g r e s s o n
Medicinal Chemistry,
Pharmacology and toxicology
J u l y 3 0 - 3 1 , 2 0 1 8
Am s t e r d a m , N e t h e r l a n d s
Information on the treatment and follow-up of patients admitted to intensive care due to the poisoning was
investigated and statistically evaluated to improve the medical approach to these cases.
Material & Methods:
Patients over 17 years admitted to intensive care unit due to the poisoning diagnosis between Jan’ 2015 –
Dec’ 2017 were included in study. Age, gender, educational status, chronic diseases history, type of the exposed toxic material,
the way of exposure, length of intensive care stay, mechanical ventilation requirement, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score, Acute
Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) Score and the prognosis of the patients were recorded.
The patients were of 61.16% males. 41.7% of patients have a substance abuse history. Multiple substance intakes
were the most common type of poisoning (24.3%). The GCS was found to be 8 or less in 85.7% of exitus patients and this rate
was 14.3% in the survivors and were found to be statistically significant different (p=0.00). There was statistically significant
difference between the APACHE II scores of death and surviving patients (p<0.001). The mean duration of intensive care unit stay
was 3.17 days and the mortality rate during the intensive care unit follow-up was determined as 7.3%. 100% of the patients with
exitus were male patients.
Most of the cases of toxicities treated in ICU were male patients, although majority of suicide cases were female
patients. New types of synthetic drugs are seriously affecting mortality because of the increased abuse and ease of acquisition.
GCS and APACHE II scores at the time of arrival and the length of hospital stay are still important indicators of mortality. Planning
the treatment according to the characteristics of the patients will be meaningful not only to increase the survival rates but also
to decrease the treatment costs.
rtksege@hotmail.comRetrospective evaluation of the patients admitted to
ICU with acute poisoning
Tuncer Simsek and Esen Simsek
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Canakkale, Turkey
Canakkale Mehmet Akif Ersoy State Hospital, Canakkale, Turkey
J Org Inorg Chem 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C3-009