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Journal of Transmitted Diseases and Immunity

ISSN: 2573-0320

Page 70

Volume 4

May 10-11, 2018

Frankfurt, Germany

Immunology Research 2018

Tissue Science 2018


2 2

n d

E d i t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n

Immunology and

Evolution of Infectious Diseases


1 2

t h

E d i t i o n o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n

Tissue Engineering and

Regenerative Medicine


apanese encephalitis (JE) is one of the chief causes of

acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) in North India with

more than 15% confirmed cases. The disease is caused by

Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), a neurovirulent RNA flavivirus

transmitted by


mosquitoes. The virus in natural cycle

circulates between pig and mosquitoes or bird and mosquitoes,

with pigs being the most important biological amplifiers. Though

humans are accidental dead end hosts, JE has generated

considerable public anxiety because it mainly remains a disease

of children. The disease ranges from non-specific febrile illness

to a severe meningoencephalomyelitis illness. The transmission

of disease can occur throughout the year in endemic zone, with

disease at a peak during monsoon season. Since there is no

specific treatment available and vaccination is the best measure

to get protection from the disease; it is important to understand

the molecular mechanisms in host. The virus has been shown to

induce neutrophil infiltration in neural and extra neural tissues. A

neutrophil chemotactic protein derived from macrophages had

been isolated from JEV induced animal models. It had variety

of pathologic effects on host, including vascular permeability

and breach in blood brain barrier. The presence of inflammatory

chemokine IL-8 was also significantly detected in JE confirmed

patients during acute phase of illness. The study had revealed

a correlation between IL-8 levels and severity of illness as all

severely ill and fatal cases showed higher levels of IL-8 in acute

cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum. In cases who recovered

completely, the level of IL-8 declined markedly by convalescent

phase. The study indicates important interaction between pro

inflammatory cytokine, macrophages and neutrophils during JE



Aditi Singh has over seventeen years of experience in research and

academics. After completing her Doctorate in the year 2000 from King

Georges’ Medical College, she started teaching at undergraduate and post

graduate level. During PhD thesis, she tried to understand the pathogenesis

of Japanese encephalitis virus in disease confirmed patients; where in pro

inflammatory cytokines were studied and evaluated. Her area of research

interest is Microbiology, Immunology and Enzymology. Till now, she has

authored more than thirty research papers in national and international

journals and two book chapters. She has presented more than twenty

papers in national and international conferences. Currently, she is working

as Associate Professor in Amity University, a leading private University of


Inflammatory mechanism during Japanese encephalitis virus


Aditi Singh

Amity University, India

Aditi Singh, J Transm Dis Immun 2018, Volume 2

DOI: 10.21767/2573-0320-C2-006