Chemistry Education 2018
Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
ISSN: 2472-1123
Page 22
August 27-28, 2018
Zurich, Switzerland
Edition of International Conference on
Chemistry Education
and Research
rganic-inorganic lead halide perovskites have shown
impressive power conversion efficiency (PCE) in a range
of solar cell architectures.1-2 Despite the multiple ionic
compositions that have been reported so far, the presence
of organic constituents is an essential element in all the high
efficiency formulations, with the methylammonium (MA) and
formamidinium (FA) cations being the sole realistic options
available to date. In this study, we demonstrate a novel three-
dimensional (3D) perovskite with improved material stability
as a result of the incorporation of an alternative organic cation,
guanidinium, into the MAPbI3 crystal structure.3 The new
MA1-xGuaxPbI3 perovskite shows enhanced thermal stability
and intrinsically new structural and optoelectronic properties.
This allows for stable and high-power conversion efficiencies
over 20%, a fundamental step within the perovskite field
Dr. Md. K. Nazeeruddin
receivedM.Sc. and Ph. D. in inorganic chemistry from
Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. He joined as a Lecturer in Deccan Col-
lege of Engineering and Technology, Osmania University in 1986, and sub-
sequently, moved to Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute,
Bhavnagar, as a Research Associate. He was awarded the Government of
Indias fellowship in 1987 for study abroad. In 2014, EPFL awarded him the
title of Professor. His current research at EPFL focuses on Dye Sensitized
Solar Cells, Perovskite Solar Cells, CO2 reduction, Hydrogen production, and
Light-emitting diodes. He has published more than 509 peer-reviewed pa-
pers, ten book chapters, and he is inventor/co-inventor of over 50 patents.
The high impact of his work has been recognized by invitations to speak at
over 130 international conferences, and has been nominated to the OLLA
International Scientific Advisory Board. He appeared in the ISI listing of most
cited chemists, and has more than 49'000 citations with an h-index of 105.
He is teaching "Functional Materials" course at EPFL, and Korea Universi-
ty; directing, and managing several industrial, national, and European Union
projects. He was awarded EPFL Excellence prize in 1998 and 2006, Brazil-
ian FAPESP Fellowship in 1999, Japanese Government Science & Technol-
ogy Agency Fellowship, in 1998, Government of India National Fellowship
in 1987-1988. Recently he has been appointed as World Class University
(WCU) professor by the Korea University, Jochiwon, Korea
rea.ac.kr/eng/sub01_06_2.htm), Adjunct Professor by the King Abdulaziz
University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and Eminent Professor in Brunei.
mdkhaja.nazeeruddin@epfl.chDimensional Tailoring of hybrid perovskites for efficient and
stable solar cells
Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin
Group for Molecular Engineering of Functional Materials, Institute of Chemical Sciences and
Engineering, Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1951 Sion, Switzerland
Mohd Zobir Hussein et al., J Org Inorg Chem 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C5-014