Chemistry Education 2018
Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
ISSN: 2472-1123
Page 26
August 27-28, 2018
Zurich, Switzerland
Edition of International Conference on
Chemistry Education
and Research
esoporous materials are defined as porous materials
with pores in the range of 2-100 nm. One of the most
important class of mesoporous materials are MCM-41 silica-
based materials due to their fascinating properties such as
high homogeneous porosity, inertness, thermal stability, the
presence of tunable pore sizes, homogeneous pore distribution
and the possibility to easily functionalise the external (or
internal) surface. These materials can be easily prepared with
tailor-made pores of around 2 – 10 nm and show a very large
specific surface area (up to 1200 m2/g), thus having a large
load capacity. Additionally, their active functionalization to
obtain advanced materials is a timely topic of research that
could be very motivating and useful for future researchers
and postgraduated students. Anchoring organic molecules,
biomolecules, or supramolecules onto MCM-41 scaffoldings
with different chemical natures, sizes, and shapes promotes
the development of smart nanodevices that can be applied in
certain scientific and technological fields such as catalysis,
chemical remediation, drug delivery or sensing. For example,
one attractive approach is to enhance their functionality using
supramolecular concepts. It is possible to incorporate in their
external surface functional groups or capping ensembles
able to open or close at will for advanced controlled-release
applications. These systems are constructed for finely tuning
the delivery of chemical or biochemical species from voids of
porous supports to a solution in response to predefined stimuli.
Such gated materials are composed mainly of two subunits: (i)
the porous inorganic support in which a cargo is loaded and (ii)
certain molecular or supramolecular entities, generally grafted
onto the external surface, which can control mass transport
from pores. On the basis of this concept, a large number of
imaginative examples have been developed. Their study and
the preparation of simple systems could be very significant
and appreciated by master students.
Dr Elena Aznar is researcher of the Biomedical Research Center Network
(CIBER) in the area of Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine at In-
stituto de ReconocimientoMolecular y Desarrollo Tecnológico in Universitat
Politècnica de Valencia. She is co-author of 57 publications (h-index of 26),
has participated in 22 projects and holds 2 patent. Her research interests
involve the development of new funtional porous materials. Specially, she
works on the developement of gatedmaterials for sensing and drug delivery
applications in the biomedical area.
elazgi@upvnet.upv.esMesoporous materials in master courses
Elena Aznar
Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Bioingeniería Biomateriales y Nanomedicina
(CIBER-BBN), Spain
Instituto Interuniversitario de Reconocimiento Molecular y Desarrollo Tecnológico (IDM), Spain
Elena Aznar, J Org Inorg Chem 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C5-014