E u r o S c i C o n C o n f e r e n c e o n
Chemistry 2018
Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry
ISSN 2472-1123
F e b r u a r y 1 9 - 2 0 , 2 0 1 8
P a r i s , F r a n c e
Page 21
n the last decades inorganic nanoparticles have attracted growing attention in
the field of nanophotonics, especially for bioimaging purposes. Among them,
luminescent metal-, semiconductor- or oxide-based hard nanoparticles have
been the most widely used. Yet, they raise concern with respect to toxicity and/
or degradability issues. In that context, purely organic fluorescent nanoparticles
hold foremost promises. With that goal in mind, we have developed original
bottom-up strategies towards biocompatible ultrabright molecular-based
nanoparticles specifically engineered as nanotools for bioimaging. Our strategy
is based on the design/synthesis of dedicated multipolar dyes as interacting
building blocks of nanoparticles which are readily prepared using expeditious
and green protocols involving self-aggregation/nanoprecipitation of the dyes
in water. Manipulation of molecular confinement of such engineered dyes
provides an effective and innovative way to tune and enhance the luminescence
and nonlinear optical responses of the nanoparticles by controlling and taking
advantage of interchromophoric electrostatic interactions. This route led to
biocompatible, ultra-bright pure nanoparticles that combine unprecedented
brightness, remarkable colloidal stability and absence of toxicity, providing
superior substitutes to quantum dots. Their luminescence can be tuned in
the whole visible down to the NIR region. These nanoparticles can be used
as ultra-sensitive contrast agents for
in vivo
two-photon angiography in small
animals. Moreover, hyper-bright NIR-emitting nanoparticles (named HiFONs)
of controlled size which show unprecedented photostability and excellent
biocompatibility can be successfully imaged and tracked at the single particle
level inwater andusedasnanotools inmulticolor singleparticle trackingat video
rate experiments to explore cellular compartments. Finally, nanointerfacial
field promoted fluorescence amplification has been demonstrated for the first
time in core-shell binary nanoparticles made from dedicated complementary
dyes. This intriguing phenomenon opens a new avenue in the field of molecular
Mireille H Blanchard-Desce after studies at Ecole Normale
Supérieure in Paris, has completed her PhD from University
Pierre and Marie Curie under the supervision of Jean-Marie
Lehn at the College de France and Postdoctoral studies at the
Institute of Physical Chemical Biology in Paris. She is currently
the Head of the molecular photonics and imaging team at the
Institute of Molecular Science in Bordeaux University. She has
an excellent track record in her research field as evidenced by
over 260 publications in reputed journals with H index: 56, 6
book chapters, 7 patents, over 100 invited lectures at confer-
ences and awards.
mireille.blanchard-desce@u-bordeaux.frHarnessing multipolar interactions at the nanoscale: a novel
opportunity for molecular photonics and bioimaging
Mireille H Blanchard Desce
University of Bordeaux, France
Mireille H Blanchard D, J Org Inorg Chem 2018, Volume: 4
DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C1-002