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E u r o S c i C o n C o n f e r e n c e o n



Chemistry 2018

Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry

ISSN 2472-1123

F e b r u a r y 1 9 - 2 0 , 2 0 1 8

P a r i s , F r a n c e

Page 27


ood dyes are widely used in the food industry to give products attractive

appearance. Currently there are over 50 such food colourings of natural and

synthetic origin. In the Republic of Belarus (RB) and in the countries of the

Eurasian Customs Union (CU) 13 synthetic dyes are allowed to be used in the

foodstuffs production. In accordance with the existing sanitary and hygienic

requirements the content of each of these 13 substances is controlled and

should not exceed 50 - 500 mg / kg depending on the nature of the dye and the

foodstuff’s type. At the same time it is completely forbidden to use synthetic

dyes for baby food production. It should be noted that until now there are no

uniform approaches for assessing the safety of synthetically produced dyes.

As the result in some countries certain synthetic dyes are included in the list of

banned substances as dangerous food additives, while in the others the same

dyes are still used in food industry. Studies on the discovery of synthetic dyes

impact on the human organism are continuing till now and scientists establish

more and more new facts concerning the negative impact of some dyes on

human health. In this regard, controlling the content of synthetic dyes in food

products is an important and urgent task. Today in the Republic of Belarus

and in the countries of the Customs Union there is no reliable analytical

method which would allow determining all the regulated synthetic dyes in

all kinds of food products rapidly and with appropriate repeatability and high

accuracy. Thus the aim of this study was to develop a unified method for the

simultaneous determination of 17 synthetic dyes in all kinds of food products

by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).


Palianskikh Alena has completed her PhD at the age of 35 from

Belarusian State University. She is a senior researcher of the

Laboratory of Food Chemistry in Republican Unitary Enterprise

“Scientific Practical Center of Hygiene”, Minsk, Belarus. The

sphere of her interests is analytical chemistry, extraction of

organic compounds, chromatographic methods of analysis.

The activity of the laboratory is aimed at control the quality and

safety of food products produced in the Republic of Belarus and

imported to its territory from different countries. She has pub-

lished more than 10 papers in reputed Belarusian and Russian


Actual issues of monitoring the content of synthetic dyes

in food products in the Republic of Belarus using modern

analytical methods

Palianskikh A


, Belyshava L L, Fiodarava T A, Sychik S I and

Shevchuk L M

Republican Unitary Enterprise “Scientific Practical Center of Hygiene”, Belarus

Palianskikh A, J Org Inorg Chem 2018, Volume: 4

DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C1-002