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E u r o S c i C o n C o n f e r e n c e o n



Chemistry 2018

Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry

ISSN 2472-1123

F e b r u a r y 1 9 - 2 0 , 2 0 1 8

P a r i s , F r a n c e

Page 24


he iPPI-DB initiative consists of collecting pharmacological data and

gaining knowledge about protein-protein interaction (PPI) modulators.

First, it provides the scientific community with a set of web-based tools, both

chemical probe-centric and target-centric, to query our iPPI-DB database of PPI

modulators. Second, it uses this data collection into adapted chemoinformatics

technologies as a mean to identify the physico-chemical properties and the

privileged chemical substructures that can facilitate the modulation of PPI

targets. This presentation will describe the full re-foundation of our database

and of the last developed tools to query it as well as our last results about the

design of PPI-tailored libraries and of privileged chemical structures for PPI.

During the speech, I will also describe our new web application for maintaining

iPPI-DB which has been designed for remote contribution in order to build a

community of contributors and co-authors.


Olivier Sperandio has more than 15 years of experience in Bio-

informatics and Drug Design. He obtained his Master’s degree

from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in Biochemistry

and Bioinformatics during a 3-year stage in the US in the lab of

Dr. Stephen C. Harvey. Then, he obtained an industrial PhD at

the company MEDIT SA in partnership with the University Paris

Descartes (Lab of Pr. Christiane Garbay) in virtual screening, in

silico drug design and the design of computational chemistry

tools. He was then recruited Junior Researcher at the Inserm

as a Drug Designer within the Inserm CDithem. In 2010, he was

recruited as a Senior Research Associate (CR1) at the Inserm

within the lab of Dr. Bruno Villoutreix with the project of char-

acterizing the chemical space of Protein-Protein Interaction

inhibitors. He is now Group Leader in Chemoinformatics in the

structural bioinformatics unit of Pr. Michael Nilges at Institut

Pasteur in Paris.

The iPPI-DB initiative

Olivier Sperandio



Institut Pasteur, France


Inserm, French Institute for Health and Medical Research, France

Olivier Sperandio, J Org Inorg Chem 2018, Volume: 4

DOI: 10.21767/2472-1123-C1-002