Volume 4
Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
October 04-05, 2018 Moscow, Russia
Edition of International Conference on
International Conference on
Advanced Nanotechnology
Materials Technology and Manufacturing Innovations
Advanced Nanotechnology 2018
& Materials-Manufacturing 2018
October 04-05, 2018
Page 62
Haizea Gonazalez Barrio
University of the Basque Country, Spain
Haizea Gonazalez Barrio, Nano Res Appl 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C5-020
IBR manufacturing by hybrid combination of laser metal deposition and machining processes
he use of additive manufacturing (AM) technologies in aeronautic industries is on increase. An example of this is the
fact that most companies in the sector have started to combine additive with machining operations. The laser metal
deposition (LMD) process is one of the most used AM methods together with the selective laser melting (SLM) process,
but only the first one is currently capable of producing big parts. The LMD technology can work with a wide range of
metals; some of them are common within the aeronautic industry, such as Titanium, Inconel 718 and Hastelloy X, among
others. This technology implies big challenges due to its complexity; in order to attain good results a high number of
process parameters must be controlled, like laser power, gas and powder flux, filling strategies, feed rate, to name just
a few. The present research work aims to study the manufacturing and repair of turbine components, such as blisk,
by LMD. To that end, a blisk is manufactured by additively building up blades on a core disk substrate. In addition, a
monitoring of the temperature of the process and the height of the clad is also realized. Therefore, this work demonstrates
the feasibility of manufacturing and repairing high added value parts by 5 axis LMD.
Recent Publications
1. Arrizubieta J I, Martinez S, Lamikiz A, Ukar E, Arntz K and Klocke F (2017) Instantaneous powder flux regulation
system for laser metal deposition. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 29:242-251.
2. Arrizubieta J I, Lamikiz A, Klocke F, Martinez S, Arntz K and Ukar E (2017) Evaluation of the relevance of melt
pool dynamics in laser material deposition process modeling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
3. Calleja A, Tabernero I, Ealo J A, Campa, F J, Lamikiz A and López de Lacalle L N (2014) Feed rate calculation
algorithm for the homogeneous material 5 deposition of blisk blades by 5-axis laser cladding. Int. J. Adv.
Manufacturing Technology, 74, Issue 9–12, pp 1219–1228
4. Calleja A, Tabernero I, FernándezV A, Celaya A, Lamikiz A and López de Lacalle L N (2014) Improvement of