Volume 4
Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
October 04-05, 2018 Moscow, Russia
Edition of International Conference on
International Conference on
Advanced Nanotechnology
Materials Technology and Manufacturing Innovations
Advanced Nanotechnology 2018
& Materials-Manufacturing 2018
October 04-05, 2018
Page 61
Jambiin Oyun
Ulaanbaatar State University, Mongolia
Sharaviin Munkhjargal
National University of Mongolia
Jambiin Oyun, Nano Res Appl 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C5-020
Separation of medical nanopowder from the natural minerals by ScCO
he traditional methods, we experimented, have unique advantages keeping ScCO
in the primary material by
simple, cost ineffective and high productive way, avoiding necessity of grinding a material to a smaller particles,
using chemical salts. It is green, ecologically pure and ready to use for industrial production. In the world practice,
in order to derive medical nanopowder ScCO
is usually added to the target material either in gas or liquid form.
In contrast to this, in the Mongolian traditional technology the thermal processing of medical material does not
loose CO
and keeps it in the target material. By this work, we aimed to prove that our experiment made on the
basis of the traditional technology is performed at the current nanotechnological level and to explain it’s scientific
substantiation by modern scientific expressions. Nano-sized medical raw materials has been derived from the
medical quality natural spar (CaCO
) without the use of chemical salt. The theoretical base of the method consists
in the transferring and keeping CO
to a supercritical state during thermo-chemical processing of the spar at 900-
9500C. The ScCO2 has a form of solid solution that holds the properties of both gas and solid. Afterwards, with
dissolving it in the cow milk, the solution is equalized by the solvents expansion with the decrease of temperature
and creates amorphous crystal nanopowder. The size of the resultant product C
was determined both by
XRD and TEM analysis as to be 13.51 nm(Lu>13.09 nm).
Jambiin Oyun
is a Professor in Chemical Department of Technology Division at the Ulaanbaatar State University of Mongolia. She has
completed her Graduation at Irkutsk State University named AA Zhdanov specializing in chemistry. She has completed her PhD and the thesis
is entitled as “Concentration and determination of microquantities rare earth elements from minerals and rocks by polymeric chelating sorbents”
and has completed her ScD on the topic “Scientific basis of traditional technology for the treatment of pharmaceutical minerals in Mongolia”
at the Mongolian Academy of Sciences and Chemical Science in 2002. She has published 16 monographies, over 30 scientific papers, 213
popular-scientific articles and presented more than 30 reports at the foreign and Mongolian scientific conferences. She has received 10
patents, 9 utility model certificates, fulfilled 4 scientific projects and supervised 7 doctoral and 33 master's works.
Munkhjargal Sharaviin
is currently working as a Senior lecturer in the School of Physics at National University of Mongolia, Mongolia.
oyunjambaubsu@gmail.com munkhjargal@num.edu.mn