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Volume 4
December 10-12, 2018
Rome, Italy
Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
Advanced Materials 2018
Nano Engineering 2018
International Conference on
Advanced Materials
and Simulation
Edition of International Conference on
Nano Engineering &
eveloping high-performance engineering materials was
one of the most important priority of civil engineering.
Such materials perform high strength, durability, ductility,
toughness and energy absorption. One of these materials is
polymer concrete (PC) that has become well-known due to its
application in repair and rehabilitation of structures, precast
components as thin over lays and floors. Also, PC is used as a
repair material for concrete infrastructure like sewer structure
applications, drainage channels, swimming pools and other
structures that comprise chemically corrosive aggregate. The
purpose of this study is to assess the chemical resistance
of polymer concrete when exposed to two environments
including chemical solutions at two pH contents (2.5 and 12.5)
which simulate acidic and alkali environment. In this research,
PC samples with two different contents of epoxy resin (10%
and 12% of the total weight of composition) have been studied.
Five cylindrical and one cubic specimen were prepared for
each of the epoxy resin content. A uniaxial compression
test as destructive test and non-destructive method such as
ultrasonic test was applied to determine the change of the
features. Results show the loss of compression strength in the
PC samples which were exposed to chemical solutions. The
study showed that the amount of strength loss is related to the
pores of PC specimens. Factors as type and content of resin
and hardener, type and concentration of chemical solution
and interaction between them considerably affected samples
strength. This material could be a good candidate for repair
and rehabilitation of structures.
Recent Publications
1. Yarigarravesh M, Toufigh V and Mofid M (2018)
Environmental effects on the bond at the interface
between FRP and wood. European Journal of Wood
and Wood Products 76(1):163-174.
2. Toufigh V, Hosseinali M and Shirkhorshidi S M
(2016) Experimental study and constitutive modeling
of polymer concrete’s behavior in compression.
Construction and Building Materials 112:183-190.
3. Bedi R, Chandra R and Singh S P (2013) Mechanical
properties of polymer concrete. Journal of
4. Saadatmanesh H, Tavakkolizadeh M and Mostofinejad
D (2010) Environmental effects on mechanical
properties of wet lay-up fiber-reinforced polymer. ACI
materials journal 107.
5. Gorninski J P, Dal Molin D C and Kazmierczak C S
(2007) Strength degradation of polymer concrete
in acidic environments. Cement and Concrete
Composites 29(8):637-645.
Pedram Ghasemi is a graduate student in civil engineering and his research
interest is sustainable and high-performance materials which have less det-
rimental effects on environment and rehabilitation and repair of stuctures
with proper techniques and materials. His research based on experimental
and numerical evaluation to assess mechanical properties and chemical re-
sistance. He has determined this evaluation after three months withmaking
and testing specimens. This study will lead civil engineering to use this type
of materials as a repair material or precast component properly and effi-
ciently in each structure, situation and position.
pedram.ghs1993@gmail.comExperimental analysis of environmental effects on
polymer concrete
Pedram Ghasemi
Vahab Toufigh
Sharif University of Technology, Iran
Pedram Ghasemi et al., Nano Res Appl 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C7-027