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Volume 4
December 10-12, 2018
Rome, Italy
Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
Advanced Materials 2018
Nano Engineering 2018
International Conference on
Advanced Materials
and Simulation
Edition of International Conference on
Nano Engineering &
ellulose is a natural abundant material advising of
renewable and sustainable resources. This material and
intense research subject but how will this material behave in
aquatic systems? The synthesis route was development of
cellulose in a reduced scale starting from the bleached pulp
from the extraction of the wood by kraft process. A particulate
concentration measured by analysis of zeta potential. The
concentration of the particles was measured by Nanoparticles
Tracking Analysis (NTA-Malvern®). The Figure 1 presented the
relationship between concentration and particle size of sample
for conditions using 3.0 g cellulose pulp, 20 minutes sonication
and 450 nm membrane filtration.
The particles were obtained on a nanoscale and can be
applied in environmental studies. Nanocellulose were added
in solution containing complexes of the iron and Aquatic
Humic Substances (Fe-AHS). By ultrafiltration system and
determination in atomic absorption spectrometry was made
the speciation of metallic species in the presence of organic
matter in the form of humic substances and subsequent
addition of nanoparticles. The iron total concentration (Fetotal)
in the solution 1.70 mg.L-1. After 24 hours 0.29 mg.L-1 of free
iron in solution (Fefree) and 1.41 mg.L-1 of complexed iron
with humic substances (Fe-SHA) were determined. After 24
hours of the addition of the nanoparticles to this solution the
free metal concentration increased to 0.85 mg.L-1 (Fefree).
Before addition of nanocellulose more than 80% of the
ions are complexed to the AHS. The kinetics of the reaction
were evaluated as a function of time. It also presents the
concentration of iron complexed for a period of 24 hours in
the presence of nanocellulose showing its influence on the
SHA-Metal complexes. In the first minutes after the addition
of nanocellulose, a concentration of iron complexed with SHA
occurs the ions originally complexed to SHAmay be available in
solution. This result indicates that there is interaction between
the nanoparticle and the humic substance.
Recent Publications
1. Vieira, Daniele Frasson ; Furquim, Nicolas Henrique ;
Botero, Wander Gustavo ; De Oliveira, Luciana Camargo
; Goveia, Danielle (2018). Influence Of The Diameter
Of Nanoparticles In Complexes Metal-Aquatic Humic
Substances. Eclética Química Journal, V. 43, P. 44-50.
2. Monteiro, Adnívia ; Goveia, Danielle ; Rotureau,
Elise ; Rosa, André ; Masini, Jorge ; Pinheiro, José
(2018). Especiação Dinâmica De Metais Traço Em
Ambiente Aquático Usando Cronopotenciometria De
Redissolução Anódica. Quimica Nova , V. 41, P. 796-
3. Cunha, Graziele Da Costa ; Goveia, Danielle ; Romão,
Luciane Pimenta Cruz ; Oliveira, Luciana Camargo De
(2015). Effect Of The Competition Of Cu(Ii) And Ni(Ii)
Development of nanocellulose for studies of iron
speciation in aquatic systems
Danielle Goveia
, Daniele Frasson Vieira
, Felipe Augusto Santiago Hansted
Estefânia Vangelie Ramos Campos
UNESP, Campus of Itapeva, Brazil
UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil
Federal University of ABC, Brazil
Danielle Goveia et al., Nano Res Appl 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C7-027