Page 38
Volume 4
December 10-12, 2018
Rome, Italy
Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
Advanced Materials 2018
Nano Engineering 2018
International Conference on
Advanced Materials
and Simulation
Edition of International Conference on
Nano Engineering &
On The Kinetic And Thermodynamic Stabilities Of
Cr(Iii)-Organic Ligand Complexes Using Competitive
Ligand Exchange (Edta). Journal Of Environmental
Management, V. 154, P. 259-265.
4. Pinheiro, Jose Paulo ; Rocha, Luciana S. ; Goveia,
Danielle ; Town, Raewyn M. (2014). Scanned Stripping
Chronopotentiometry At Bismuth Film Rotating Disc
Electrodes: A Method For Quantitative Dynamic Metal
Speciation. Environmental Chemistry (Collingwood.
Print), V. 11, P. 150.
5. Goveia, Danielle; Milkova, Viktoria ; van Leeuwen,
Herman P. ; Rosa, AndreÌ Henrique ; Pinheiro, José
Paulo (2011). Dynamics and Heterogeneity of Pb(II)
Binding by SiO. Langmuir, v. 27, p. 7877-7883.
Post-doctorate in Chemistry, PhD and Master in Analytical Chemistry by the
Institute of Chemistry of the São Paulo State University - UNESP, graduated
in Chemistry from the State University of Maringá. She is currently Assis-
tant Professor of the Production Engineering Course at Campus Itapeva at
the UNESP. Has experience abroad, through internships in the Netherlands
(University of Wageningen) and in Portugal (University of Algarve) in collab-
oration with professors Herman H. P. van Leewen and José Paulo Pinheiro.
Professor accredited in the Post-Graduate Program in Engineering of Bio-
materials and Bioprocesses of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of
UNESP of Araraquara-SP. Since 2014 it is leader of the Research Group: En-
ergy, Pulp and Environment. He works in Analytical Chemistry, with empha-
sis on Trace Analysis and Environmental Chemistry. She has published 28
articles in leading magazines.