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Volume 4
December 10-12, 2018
Rome, Italy
Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
Advanced Materials 2018
Nano Engineering 2018
International Conference on
Advanced Materials
and Simulation
Edition of International Conference on
Nano Engineering &
he demand for more efficient and durable material
solutions is continuously rising in industry. Longer material
life spans combined with energy efficient solutions reduce
environmental load and enhances business potential. The
conventional research and development (R&D) routes in
searching for new material solutions make use of extensive
experimental programs and material characterization,
which often results in a high cost trial and error scenario.
Furthermore, it is quite difficult to ascertain prevailing stress/
strain states and the dynamic nature of failure initiation
and progression. It is therefore challenging to establish
causalities and links between microstructure of a material
and its performance. Optimization of the microstructure
for a certain application requires a considerable joint effort
of material processing and retesting of different solutions.
Integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) offers
one solution to cut down costs and reduce uncertainties of
materials R&D process. Virtual modeling utilized together
with advanced characterization and experimental work allows
designing microstructures more effectively and understanding
the prevailing phenomena more easily. Multi-scale modeling
makes it possible to couple macroscopic application scale with
a large amount of concurrent physical phenomena and fine
scale microstructure level with detailed individual phenomena,
which enables performance driven virtual design on material
solutions. In the present work, we demonstrate ICME based
approach on developing advanced steels and coatings for
industrial applications. For example, tribological contacts are
examined at different length and time scales. Microstructure
based models are employed to reveal microscale deformation
behavior and failure mechanisms. For advanced steels
including martensitic and high manganese austenitic steels,
high stress abrasive conditions are analyzed at macroscopic
and microscopic scales. Crystal plasticity models are used
to describe micromechanics and evaluate the performance
of different virtually designed microstructure alternatives.
Coatings are studied in terms of coating structures and
topographical features to evaluate the damage mechanisms,
tolerances and ultimately tendency to fatal cracking. The
effect of coating microstructural features and properties are
discussed from the wear resistance point of view.
Lindroos M is working at VTT Research Center of Finland in the Multiscale
Materials Modeling Research Group. His current active research interests
are related to multi scale modeling and integrated computational materials
engineering with an application to a wide range of different materials and
industrial/academic material challenges.
matti.lindroos@vtt.fiMulti-scale modeling and performance driven
virtual design of advanced steels and coatings for
industrial use
Lindroos M, Laukkanen A, Andersson T, T J Hakala
Holmberg K
VTT Research Center of Finland, Finland
Lindroos M et al., Nano Res Appl 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C7-027