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Volume 4
December 10-12, 2018
Rome, Italy
Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
Advanced Materials 2018
Nano Engineering 2018
International Conference on
Advanced Materials
and Simulation
Edition of International Conference on
Nano Engineering &
acuum insulate glass (VIG) are often employed in buildings
where exists the necessity of reducing the U-value of
the walls, without compromising the amount of sunlight in
the inner spaces. The system is mainly made of two glass
panes spaced through the presence of several support pillars
applied on their surfaces and the insulation performance of
this kind of glazing unit are obtained by removing the filling
gas between the glasses and by creating the vacuum between
them. As consequence, the heat transport due to the presence
of the interposed gas is removed but at the same time, the
atmospheric pressure and the thermal deformations act on the
glass panes by inducing a deflection of the system and stress
on its components (pillars, panes and sealing). In Eensulate
European Project (HORIZON 2020 research program), an
innovative light weight VIG glazing unit has been developed, by
employing a low temperature durable edge seal system based
on polymeric seal materials instead of glass frit. The aim of this
paper is to describe the finite element model of the innovative
system, developed to evaluate its behavior during its operative
condition, considering the thermal expansion and the effect
of vacuum pressure, focusing specifically on the interaction
between glass panes and sealant. In particular, the induced
deflection, the stress on both components and the strain on
the sealant were investigated. In addition, the effects of glass
dimension, temperature difference, type of sealant and sealant
thickness were analyzed, by evaluating the behavior of VIG as
function of the mentioned parameters. Simulations results
were useful to optimize the design of the glazing unit and to
support the choice of the employed materials.
Recent Publications
1. P Henshall, P Eames, F Arya, T Hyde, R Moss and S
Shire (2016) Constant temperature induced stresses
in evacuated enclosures for high performance flat
plate solar thermal collectors. Solar Energy 127:250-
2. Y Fang, T Hyde, F Arya, N Hewitt, R Wang and Y Dai
(2015) Enhancing the thermal performance of triple
vacuum glazing with low emittance Coatings. Energy
and Buildings 97: 186-195.
3. Y Fang, T Hyde, F Arya, N Hewitt, P C Eames, B Norton
and S Miller (2014) Indium alloy-sealed vacuum
glazing development and context. Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews 37:480-501.
4. Y Fang, T Hyde, F Arya and N Hewitt (2013) A novel
building component hybrid vacuumglazing-amodeling
and experimental validation. ASHRAE Transactions
5. Cioffi M, Di Gennaro F, Zinetti S, Bax L, Boudjabeur S,
Bourdeau L, Dankl C, Herrmann E, Jadwiga F, Oakey
J, Scalia M and Elvnert J (2012) Cross-ETP research
and innovation roadmap for the energy efficiency in
building. Steinbeis-Edition ISBN 978-3-943356-37-3.
Andrea Trevisi is a Researcher at RINA Consulting S P Awhere, he is working
as a Finite Element Method Analyst since 2017. He has expertise in FEM
simulation, dealing with several types of analyses (structural, thermal, vibra-
tion and dynamic). Through his Master’s degree in Materials Engineering
and Nanotechnology, he has in-depth knowledge in composites, metallic
materials and polymeric materials, covering main related topics, manufac-
turing processes and degradation phenomena.
andrea.trevisi@rina.orgVacuum insulation glass finite element analysis of
temperature induced stresses and displacements:
the Eensulate case study
Andrea Trevisi
, Danilo Bardaro
, Margherita Cioffi
Farid Arya
RINA Consulting S P A, Italy
Ulster University, Ireland
Andrea Trevisi et al., Nano Res Appl 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C7-027