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Archives of Clinical Microbiology

ISSN: 1989-8436

Virology and Infectious Diseases 2019

EuroSciCon Conference on

Virology and Infectious Diseases



caused by T. cruzi, an obligate intracellular parasite. Nowadays, 8-10

million people in Latin America suffer with this trypanosomiasis and it is

considered a major parasitic disease burden in the American continent.

The treatment is based on two nitroheterocyclic compounds and both

are ineffective against late chronic phase of the disease. Besides, the

toxicity of these compounds is high. Thus, the need for more efficient,

safe, and accessible drugs is urgent. Phospholipids analogues (PAs)

have been shown to be effective against malignant mammalian cells and

some pathogenic protozoa as Leishmania. Here, we analyzed the effects

of new phospholipids analogues on the epimastigotes, trypomastigotes

and intracellular amastigotes of T. cruzi. TC 387, TC388, LDT10 and

LDT137 which were able to inhibit the in vitro growth of epimastigotes

and amastigotes with IC50 in the nanomolar range. Trypomastigote

lysis was also observed. Ultrastructural analysis demonstrated that

these compounds affected the parasite’s membranes. Mitochondrial

and Golgi cisternae swelling and the formation of membrane blebs,

ultimately leading to parasite death, were observed. The Golgi complex

of parasites, but not that of the host cells, was affected suggesting a

specificmechanismof action possibly due to interference in two different

phospholipid biosynthesis pathways used in the distinct cell types. Our

observations show that the trypanocidal activity of the PAs investigated

herein is higher than that of previously reported PAs in the literature. In

conclusion, this work shows that these compounds are potent and fast

acting inhibitors of the growth of the proliferative developmental forms

of T. cruzi (associated with several alterations in the parasite structural

organization) and cause lysis of the highly infective trypomastigote

form. The effects observed support the assertion that interference with

the phospholipids of the membranes is important as a potential route

for the development of new therapeutic agents to treat Chagas disease.


Emile Barrias is a Researcher in the area of optical

microscopy-Inmetro with emphasis on optical microscopy

of biological material. She holds a Bachelor's degree in

Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Rio de

Janeiro (2006), a Master's degree (2008) and a PhD (2014) in

Biological Sciences (Parasitology and Cell Biology Program)

from theFederalUniversityofRiodeJaneiroatCarlosChagas

Filho Institute of Biophysics. She has experience in the areas

of Celullar Biology, with emphasis on Parasitology, Cell

Biology of parasites, working mainly on the following topics:

Trypanosoma cruzi, T. cruzi interaction-host cell and anti-

parasitic chemotherapy using optical microscopy techniques,

super-resolution (STORM, SIM and GSD), transmission

electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM),

multiparametric cell sorting and flow cytometry publishing

15 articles in international journals and three book`s chapters.

She participates in the BIPM (Celullar Analysis Working

Group) research group in cellular quantification pilot studies

involving microscopy techniques.

New phospholipids analogues as candidates to an anti T. cruzi

chemoterapy: in vitro test and ultra-structural analysis

Emile Barrias


, Renato Granato


, Luiz Romeiro


and Wanderley de Souza



National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (Inmetro), Brazil


Brasilia University, Brazil


Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Emile Barrias et al., Arch Clin Microbiol 2019, Volume:10

DOI: 10.4172/1989-8436-C1-018