Plant Genomics 2019
June 13-14, 2019
Berlin, Germany
Asian Journal of Plant Science & Research
ISSN: 2249-7412
Page 38
Plant Genomics
Edition of International Conference on
AJPSKY 2019, Volume 09
Xylella fastidiosa
: Evidence from European
Nadhem Selmi
University of Sfax, Tunisia
he plant
Xylella fastidiosa
causes problem diverse
of host plants species and Olivier. The bacterium
Xylella fastidiosa
, transmitted and carried by insect
vectors, attacks a very broad spectrum of plants: vines,
olive trees, fruit trees (Prunus), citrus fruits, coffee trees,
oaks, alfalfa, etc. The severity of its impacts varies
according to the strain, the plant and the ecosystem
concerned. Thus, there is a great diversity of situations
in the world.
Xylem bacterium
Xylella fastidiosa
the plant from feeding by hindering the movements
of the raw sever. The symptoms of its manifestations
are not very specific (wilting, leaf burns) and make it
difficult to detect. Currently, there are no curative ways
to fight against this bacteria. The European decision to
prevent the introduction and spread of the bacterium on
the territory, advocates the uprooting and destruction of
contaminated plants. Our results show that transmission
Xylella fastidiosa
to 3-year-old wood and Olivier at the
Italy and Spain.