Plant Genomics 2019
June 13-14, 2019
Berlin, Germany
Asian Journal of Plant Science & Research
ISSN: 2249-7412
Page 35
Plant Genomics
Edition of International Conference on
AJPSKY 2019, Volume 09
High-Density Linkage Map Construction and Mapping of
Salt-Tolerant QTLs at Seedling Stage in Upland Cotton
Using Genotyping by Sequencing
Latyr Diouf
Institute of Cotton Research, China
ver 6% of agricultural land is affected by salinity. It is
becoming obligatory to use saline soils, so growing
salt-tolerant plants is a priority. To gain an understanding
of the genetic basis f upland cotton tolerance to salinity
at seedling stage, an intra-specific cross was developed
from CCRI35, tolerant to salinity, as female with Nan
Dan (NH), sensitive to salinity, as the male. A genetic
map of 5178 SNP markers was developed from 277
F2:3 populations. The map spanned 4768.098 cM, with
an average distance of 0.92 cM. A total of 66 QTLs
for 10 traits related to salinity were detected in three
environments (0, 110, and 150 mM salt treatment). Only
14 QTLs were consistent, accounting for 2.72% to 9.87%
of phenotypic variation. Parental contributions were
found to be in the ratio of 3:1, 10 QTLs from the sensitive
and four QTLs from the resistant parent. Five QTLs
were located in At and nine QTLs in the Dt sub-genome.
Moreover, eight clusters were identified, in which 12
putative key genes were found to be related to salinity.
The GBS-SNPs-based genetic map developed is the first
high-density geneticmap that has the potential to provide
deeper insights into upland cotton salinity tolerance. The
12 key genes found in this study could be used for QTL
fine mapping and cloning for further studies.