Plant Genomics 2019
June 13-14, 2019
Berlin, Germany
Asian Journal of Plant Science & Research
ISSN: 2249-7412
Page 41
Plant Genomics
Edition of International Conference on
AJPSKY 2019, Volume 09
Morpho-physiological and molecular Assessment for foliar
disease and oleic acid content using gene based SSR
markers in groundnut (
Arachis hypogea L.
Tiwari Sushma
Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishva Vidyalaya, India
ultivable groundnut (
Arachis hypogea L
.), is an
important oilseed crop with an allotetraploid genome
(AABB, 2n=4x=40), which is being cultivated and
practicedwidely. It is self-pollinated legume and excellent
cash crop, cultivated inmore than 100 countries for edible
oil and food uses. Like other crops, several biotic and
abiotic factors affect yield of groundnut including foliar
fungal diseases. Rust (caused by
Puccinia arachidis
and Late Leaf Spot (LLS) (caused by
Cerco sporidium
personatum) are two major foliar fungal diseases of
groundnut and can cause yield loss upto 70%. Developing
advance varieties resistant to various stresses is the
best and viable option to minimize economic losses for
farmer and is Eco-friendly also. Integration of molecular
breeding is the best option to improved variety with
trait of interest. In current study, genetic diversity was
studied in Forty two germplasm lines and four cultivars
of diverse groundnut set using 7morphological traits and
Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers. Morphological
characters were taken for yield related traits were
observed i.e., Days to Maturity, Number of Pods/ Plant,
100 Pod weight (gm), Karnel Yield (gm/plant), 100 Karnel
Weight (gm), Shelling percentage and Sound Mature
Karnel. In this study morphological analysis has been
conducted with 7 parameters and genetic distance was
measured by NTSYS2.0 to show diversity. Gene based
markers were used for screening of oleic acid and foliar
diseases. Total 5 germplasms were identified having
foliar disease resistance and 16 germplasms have been
identified having high oleic acid content using gene
based markers. Molecular characterization along with
morphological analysis show an authentic result and
identified highly diversified lines of Groundnut along with
some germplasms lines having foliar disease resistance
and high oleic acid content. Molecular characterization
along with morphological analysis identified several lines
having resistance for late leaf spot and rust along with
higher yield performance which can further be utilized in
crop improvement programme.
Methodology and Theoretical Orientation: Measurement
of Morphological Traits
A set of 42 germplasms and four varieties were evaluated
for 7 morphological traits. Days to Maturity, Number of
Pods/ Plant, 100 Pod weight (gm), Karnel Yield (gm/
plant), 100 Karnel Weight (gm), Sound Mature Karnel and
Shelling % were observed for five plants and there mean
value was considered for further analysis. The Analysis
Of Variance (ANOVA) ofmorphological traits for Standard
Error (S.E.), Critical Difference (CD) and Coefficient
of Variation (CV) was performed. The coefficient of
correlationamongallmorphological traits atmaturitywas
calculated using SPSS ver19.0 software. The similarity
matrices were used to construct a dendrogram for all the
germplasm lines and genotypes using NTSYS-pc 2.0