Plant Genomics 2019
June 13-14, 2019
Berlin, Germany
Asian Journal of Plant Science & Research
ISSN: 2249-7412
Page 44
Plant Genomics
Edition of International Conference on
AJPSKY 2019, Volume 09
Fine mapping and marker development of major
quantitative trait loci that confers resistance against
Hessian fly in Wheat
Nida Ghori
Kansas State University, USA
essian fly (HF) is a major invasive wheat pest in
North Africa, southern Europe, North America, and
northern Kazakhstan that cause massive economical
damage and reduce the grain yield and quality every
year. At least 35 different HF-R genes, from H1 to H34
and Hdic, have already been genetically identified. Most
of them have been mapped within cluster of NB LLR
encoding genes but no HF-R genes have yet been cloned.
H34 is a Hessian fly resistance gene, confers high level
of resistance against many Hessian fly biotypes. So, it is
need of time to develop resistant wheat cultivars adapted
to this region to minimize the losses caused by HF.
Methodology and Theoretical Orientation:
Previously, it
was detected on distal end of short arm of chromosome
6BS using recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from a cross
between Ning7840 x Clark. After that, another RIL F5
population was developed from a cross between two
of the RILs (RIL118 and RIL 115) to fine map H34. The
RIL 118 carries H34 from Clark whereas RIL115 carries
the susceptibility allele. Initially, two flanking SNPs were
identified at the H34 region using the new RIL population
and heterozygous RILs were identified to generate a new
F2 population. After screening >3000 F2 plants using the
flanking markers, >100 F2 recombinants were selected.
Their F3 families were phenotyped to further narrowing
the flanking region of H34 to the minimum.
Findings and Conclusion:
This study resulted in
development of diagnostic markers linked to H34 gene
for marker-assisted selection that will lead to the cloning
of H34.