Obesity 2018
Session Introduction
Day 1
A p r i l 1 2 - 1 3 , 2 0 8
S e s s i o n s
Obesity | Obesity Causes | Obesity & Associated
Health Disorders| Bariatric Surgery | Diet in Obesity
& Gastrointestinal Disorders |Obesity and Weight
NAFLD and NOFLD: Obese or Slim it will get you
H Hesham A-Kader,
The University of Arizona, USA
How the Kaizen Model helped determine the health and wellbeing profiles of a predominately
overweight and obese male workforce, and to reduce the risk within a large mining services
company in Perth, WA
Thomas Graeme Wright,
The University of Western Australia, Australia
Postoperative Psychological Issues in Bariatric Surgery
Paul Davidson,
Harvard Medical School, USA
Phospholipase C-Related Catalytically Inactive Protein Regulates Fat Metabolism and Energy
Takashi Kanematsu,
Hiroshima University, Japan
Altered bile acid metabolism after bariatric surgery and glycaemic control
Royce P Vincent,
King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
Vitamin D status and body mass index in type 2 diabetic Jordanian patients
Fadwa Ghazi Abdullah Hammouh,
American University of Madaba, Jordan
Hypothyroidism like syndrome due to goitergenic food
Abdul Razzaque Abdul Hameed Qureshi,
A Hameed Qureshi Clinical Development Center & IGNOU
University, India
Maternal perception and self-nutritional perception of brasilian children and adolescents
Denise Lellis,
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Session Chair:
Paul Davidson,
Harvard Medical School, USA