t h
E u r o p e a n C o n g r e s s o n
Obesity and
Eating Disorder
Obesity 2018
Journal of Obesity & Eating Disorders
ISSN 2471-8203
A p r i l 1 2 - 1 3 , 2 0 1 8
Am s t e r d a m , N e t h e r l a n d s
Page 35
Obesity is defined as the abnormal or excessive accumulation
of fat that can be harmful to health, it is estimated that in Mexico about 10
million people are severely obese. Bariatric surgery has been characterized
as a procedure that helps to control this disease as the chronic-degenerative
diseases to which it is associated.
Materials & Methods:
A retrospective study conducted by "Gastric Bypass
Mexico" from 2015 to 2016 where 1840 surgeries were performed on patients
diagnosed with morbid obesity under the criteria of the clinical practice guide
for the surgical treatment of morbid obesity in Mexico by the same team under
the same technique. They were carried out with preoperative care, as well as
the intervention of a multidisciplinary team excluding patients with a history
of previous metabolic surgeries. The procedures included in this study were:
gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, duodenal junction and SADI-S. We evaluated
different variables such as gender, age, body mass index, surgical time,
hospital stay days in order to determine the axis of this study with respect to
the complications presented in the patients, the index of presentation as well
as the resolution.
A total of 1840 surgeries were performed, finding that the female sex
predominates 3 times more than men with a total of 1232 women and 608 men,
and the average age of the patients who underwent these surgeries is of 36.19
years obtaining at least of age 12 years and at most 64 years. Regarding body
mass index (BMI), patients presented an average of 41.76, with a minimum of
30.2 and a maximum of 153.42, compared to the hospital stay, the average is
1.22 days of hospital stay, with a minimum of one day and the maximum of
18 days (this case for complications of gastric leak treated in a conventional
manner). The average surgical time of the procedures was 32.4 minutes. This
leads us to verify that the decrease in the time in which the surgery is carried
out, results in a decrease in the presentation of complications that occur in
bariatric surgeries.
Jose Antonio Castaneda Cruz studied medicine at the Univer-
sidad de Guadalajara from 1994 to 2000. He has a specialty in
surgery from the Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, at the
Dr. Salvador Zubiran General Hospital in Chihuahua. Chihuahua
México from 2000 to 2005. For 2006 he travels to Barcelona
Spain, to the Laparoscopic Center of Barcelona Centro Teknon,
to do the sub specialty in laparoscopic bariatric surgery, by Pro-
fessor Carlos Ballesta López M.D. He returned to Mexico where
he worked as a bariatric surgeon at the Instituto Mexicano del
Seguro Social. In Cd, Juárez, Chihuahua, and later devoted him-
self to the practice of bariatric surgery in the private sector in
the state of Jalisco. Since 2008 he attends the IFSO congress-
es that are presented every year. In 2015, he founded Gastric
Bypass México A.C. of which he is president and responsible.
Taking the opportunity at the last IFSO congress to present his
clinical and surgical research works, in the same way in Mexico
at the XX CIAM congress. Surgeon treating the case of Juan
Pedro Franco Salas, "The most obese man in the world" and
Dayana Camacho "The most obese teenager in the world" in
both cases with an excellent medical surgical advance.
doctor@gastricbypassmexico.comMorbility in bariatric surgery in a group of patients in Mexico
Jose Antonio Castaneda Cruz
Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico
Jose Antonio Castaneda Cruz, J Obes Eat Disord 2018, Volume: 4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-8203-C1-008