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Nursing Diagnosis & Midwifery 2018

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P r a g u e , C z e c h R e p u b l i c

Page 71

Journal of Nursing and Health Studies

ISSN: 2574-2825

E u r o S c i C o n E v e n t o n

Nursing Diagnosis &



nstinctive birthing is much more than just a process or a method for “getting baby out” at the end 9 months. Instinctive Birthing is a natural,

normal, healthy, emotional, and spiritual experience. It has its own innate rhythm and flow. Our program is based on the premise that a

healthy woman, carrying a healthy baby, having a healthy pregnancy, and experiencing a healthy labor can reasonably expect to be able to

birth her baby calmly, safely, more comfortably and in a shorter length of time. We are not alone in assuming the previous premise and we

definitely were not the first. In 1891, an obstetrician living in Buffalo New York authored a book entitled “Easier Child Birth” - an unusual title

for that period of time. Even more surprisingly, is the fact that this concept existed as early as 370 BC when Hippocrates stated, “Birth is

a natural, normal human function that needs no meddlesome interference.” His contemporary, Aristotle, subscribed to a similar belief and

further states, “we must be aware of the mind body relationship in birth and must also consider the emotional factor.

Instinctive Birthing

Debi Tracy

HypnoBirthing International, USA

J Nurs Health Stud 2018 Volume: 3

DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C4-012