Nursing Diagnosis & Midwifery 2018
S e p t e m b e r 1 0 - 1 1 , 2 0 1 8
P r a g u e , C z e c h R e p u b l i c
Page 77
Journal of Nursing and Health Studies
ISSN: 2574-2825
E u r o S c i C o n E v e n t o n
Nursing Diagnosis &
Demonstrate that CD34 (+) / CD38 (-) adult stem cells in myocardial tissue generate a significant increase in the ejection fraction
after implantation and to observe the improvement in the quality of life of the implanted patients, evaluating the reduction of dyspnea and
the number of hospitalizations.
Material & Methods:
A descriptive, observational study of 71 and 88 year old patients with a history of cystic fibrosis (CF) IV heart failure
with severe deteriorated FEY (<30%) who suffered hospitalizations every 15 days, due to biventricular dysfunction. They were submitted
to implantation of bone marrow stem cells through retrograde venous technique in coronary sinus with balloon occlusion by femoral
catheterization. A pre/post implant echocardiogram was indicated for comparisons (7 months) and a post-implant effort ergometry test
was performed.
After a period of 210 days, a significant improvement in the ejection fraction of approximately 8% and 14% was observed with
respect to the baseline (P:0.05), and a decrease in both hearts mass of 20% (grams). In addition, it was observed that the patients did
not have recurrence in hospital admissions successively every 15-20 days, cause congestive heart failure and that there is a remarkable
improvement in the quality of life rapidly after the implantation of stem cells. The post-implant ergometry test, at 210 days, turned out to be
encouraging, since the patient tolerated the stress test greater than 6 minutes.
The implantation of stem cells generated a favourable decrease in the number of hospital readmissions of the evaluated patients
and showed improvement of their quality of life after no dyspnea CF IV. It was corroborated that there is a significant improvement of the
ejection fraction, with decrease of the mass of the implanted organ.
matixfv@hotmail.comImplant of autologous bone marrow stem cells
in patients with congestive heart failure,
functional class IV
Fernandez Vina Matias
Clinic San Nicolás, Argentina
J Nurs Health Stud 2018 Volume: 3
DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C4-012