Nursing Diagnosis & Midwifery 2018
S e p t e m b e r 1 0 - 1 1 , 2 0 1 8
P r a g u e , C z e c h R e p u b l i c
Page 66
Journal of Nursing and Health Studies
ISSN: 2574-2825
E u r o S c i C o n E v e n t o n
Nursing Diagnosis &
The integrated program of maternal and child health is promoting, preventing, therapeutic and rehabilitation facility or care for
mother and child aims to reduce maternal and child mortality and morbidity. In most countries, the maternal and child health program is part
of the general health services provided by the government.
To evaluate whether the available resources at model and non-model PHC centres in Najaf meet the specified standards settled by
Iraqi Ministry of Health (MOH) and to verify the consumer satisfaction with different Integrated Maternal, Newborn and Child, Health Strategy
(IMNCH) services
For the evaluation study with a cross sectional survey of consumers to measure their satisfaction, the study conducted in six
PHC centres, three model PHC centre (Al-Hassan Al-Mujtaba, Al-Jamaa, AI-Jawad) and three non-model primary health care (PHC) center (
Khawla Zwain, Al-Ansar, Al-Nasser) from districts of North and South in Najaf city the center serving the largest population will be selected
to determine the quality of services introduced by these centres. Three instruments (the first about demographical characteristics of mother
and child, the second about Implementation of IMNCH services standards by districts, and the third about overall satisfaction with the IMNCH
services provided by selected PHC centre) are used in this study to collect required data. 240 consumers chosen systematically at random
from the selected centres (40 consumers a part) to measure their satisfaction. The collected data was analysing using SPSS Version 24.0.
The implementation of standard PHC services showed no significant difference (P˃0.05) within the selected model and non-model
primary health care centres in locality of Najaf district under this evaluation study. The standard structure for PHC is 33 services and is
implemented as total, the best between these selected PHC according to structure is Al-Hassan Al-Mujtaba and Al-Nassar, while the worst
between these selected PHC centres is Al-Amam Jawad. In the consumers satisfaction of services that are the introduction of PHC centres
the study found that the Al-Jamaa PHC centre was the best between the selected centres due to the consumer’s higher satisfaction for
services in this centre, while Al-Nassar PHC centre was the worst between them.
The best services are provided in the all PHC centres in Najaf includes antenatal visits, weight, height measurement, blood
pressure measurement, breast examination ,counselling on exclusive breastfeeding, counselling on family planning, Tetanus immunization
and documentation. The services are not implemented or need improvement are premarital examination, screening for and treatment
of sexually transmitted diseases (STD), and assist normal deliveries, provide basic emergency obstetric care if referral is not possible,
management of post-partum psychosis, these services need to improvement and activated in the centres
abdulkareem.mahmood@uokufa.edu.iqStructure quality and consumer's satisfaction
with integrated management of neonatal and
child health services in model primary health
care centers in Najaf province
Abdulkareem A Mahmood
, Hajah R Hadi, Ahmed S Noory, Ali
k Hoesh, Sara H Naeem, Qamar T Hamed, Aseel S Abbas and
Eman R Mahdi
University of Kufa, Iraq
J Nurs Health Stud 2018 Volume: 3
DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C4-012