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Infectious Diseases 2018

Journal of Prevention and Infection Control

ISSN: 2471-9668

Page 61

June 07-08, 2018

London, UK



Edition of International Conference on

Infectious Diseases


ersinia enterocolitica

is a food-borne enterotoxigenic

microorganism associated with human gastroenteritis and

septicemia especially among children. Pigs constitute a major

source of infection for man. The increase in pig farms and pork

consumption in Southwestern Nigeria necessitated investigation

into the occurrence of

Yersinia enterocolitica

in diarrhoeic pigs and

humans in selected farms and hospitals in Ogun State, Nigeria.

Seven hundred diarrhoeic samples were collected, 300 from pigs

raised in three selected farms, 120 from children aged 1-7 years

and 280 adults (22-50 years) in medical wards of two selected

hospitals located in the study areas.

Yersinia enterocolitica


isolated from faecal samples and identified biochemically by

standard bacteriological methods. Antisera were raised in rabbits

to serotype the

Yersinia enterocolitica

isolates into groups A,

B, C and D using slide agglutination technique. The serotypes

were further identified with commercial latex agglutination kit

(CLAK). Susceptibility of

Yersinia enterocolitica

to antibiotics

was determined by disc diffusion method. Minimum inhibitory

concentrations of some antibiotics were determined for the

resistant isolates. Plasmid transfer of R-determinants to E. coli

356 k12 resistant to 200 µg/mL streptomycin was performed. The

kinetics of phenotypic expression of ampicillin, chloramphenicol,

tetracycline and amoxicillin were determined. Heat-stable

enterotoxin of

Yersinia enterocolitica

isolates was assayed using

rabbit ileal loop test. Sereny test for invasiveness of isolates was

performed by instilling 2.0x1010 cfu/mL/ animal in to the right

eyes of guinea pigs while 1.0 mL sterile tryptone-soy broth was

instilled into the left eyes as control. Histopathology of the eyes

was carried out. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics

and ANOVA at p<0.05. Ninety

Yersinia enterocolitica


comprising 30 from humans: 16 and 14 from the two selected

hospitals and 60 from pigs: 20, 16 and 24 from the three selected

farms were identified. There was significant difference between

the occurrence of human and pig isolates. Slide agglutination

technique yielded serotype occurrence of

Yersinia enterocolitica

as A(5), B(63), C(8) and D(14), while CLAK gave serotypes A(0:3),

B(0:5), C(0:8) and 2 of the 14D isolateswere serotype 0:9.



isolates were identified as biotypes 1A (77), 2(8),

4(5), serotypes 0:3, 0:5, 0:8 and 0:9 while 12(E) were non-typable.

Eleven and 13 antibiotic resistant patterns were observed in

humans and pig isolates, respectively. R-determinants were

transferred to the recipient en bloc. However, few segregations

were observed indicating chromosomal transfer. Ampicillin and


for the transconjugants for human and pig isolates respectively.

The isolates induced accumulation of fluid in ileal loops of

rabbits, corneal oedema and haemorrhagic keratoconjuctivitis in

guinea pigs. Invasive, enterotoxigenic and multi-resistant



that harboured transferableR-plasmidwere isolated

in humans and pigs. These organismsmay constitute great public

health hazard, hence proper piggery hygiene and disposal of

waste is advocated to prevent contamination of water and food

of humans. Legislation onmisuse and abuse of antibiotics should

be enforced to prevent drug resistance.

Occurrence of Yersinia enterocolitica in diarrhoeic pigs

and humans in selected farms and Hospitals in Ogun State,

Southwestern Nigeria

Mabekoje Oladele O

Caleb University, Nigeria

J Prev Infect Cntrol 2018, Volume 4

DOI: 10.21767/2471-8084-C1-003