Infectious Diseases 2018
Journal of Prevention and Infection Control
ISSN: 2471-9668
Page 58
June 07-08, 2018
London, UK
Edition of International Conference on
Infectious Diseases
Drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) is a global
public health crisis. According to Global Tuberculosis report 2017,
treatment success rates of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis
(MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) patients
are 46% and 29%. Henceforth one of the major obstacles in
achieving successful treatment outcomes in DR-TB is adverse
events affecting the adherence to the both first-line and second-
line drugs.
To evaluate the frequency of adverse events due to the
second-line drugs in MDR-TB patients during intensive phase of
Settings & Design:
A prospective cohort study was conducted
at DOTS Plus site at AIIMS, New Delhi. 81 consecutive MDR-
TB patients were recruited from June 2014 to May 2015 and
were given standardized revised national control tuberculosis
programme (RNCTP) drug-regimen. Patients were followed-up
during intensive phase of treatment and adverse events were
primarily recognized with clinical evidence and/or laboratory
A total of 91 adverse events were reported in 52 (64.1%)
patients. Only 1.2% of the patient stopped treatment and 9.8%
required removal of the suspected drug(s) from the regimen
due to adverse events. The grouped adverse events were most
commonly gastrointestinal (70.6%), arthralgia (10.9%), ototoxicity
(6.4%), psychiatric (5.5%), and hypothyroidism (2.1%). Nine (11%)
patients had serious adverse events requiring discontinuation or
substitution of drugs that included psychiatric disturbances in
6(7.4%) followed by hearing loss and tinnitus in 3(3.7%).
In India, programmatic management of drug
resistance tuberculosis guidelines (PMDT) provides guidance for
management of DR-TB but cure rate are undesirable and one of
the major issue to be catered is adherence which can assure for
successful treatment outcomes.
drgaurav996@gmail.comAdverse events in patients with multi drug resistant
tuberculosis: results of a prospective cohort study at tertiary
care level
Gupta G, Sharma S K, Sinha S,Soneja M
Jorwal P
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India
J Prev Infect Cntrol 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-8084-C1-003