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I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n


Journal of Clinical Immunology and Allergy

ISSN 2471-304X

J u l y 0 5 - 0 7 , 2 0 1 8

V i e n n a , A u s t r i a

Immunology 2018

Page 47


icroRNAs (miRNAs) constitute a biologically very important class of small,

noncoding RNAs, about 18–22 nucleotides (nt) long, that mainly act as

negative regulators of gene expression at posttranscriptional level by controlling

the translation and stability of mRNA target. It is known that a miRNA may target

several mRNAs as well as the mRNA that can be under the control of several

miRNAs. The dysregulation of miRNAs has been frequently observed in different

types of disease, including cancer, autoimmune driven diseases, many allergies,

metabolic pathologies. All these data make it possible to identify microRNAs

as almost ideal targets for human therapeutics. In spite of numerous attempts

in this direction, many therapeutic trials have finally failed due to methodological

difficulties sometimes, but mainly because of insurmountable adverse effects.

In recent years, we have developed a nanotherapy using ultra-low doses of

microRNAs (concentrations are of the order of the nanogram) administered

sub-lingually, which we called Bio Immune(G)ene Medicine, and which allows to

use microRNAs for therapeutic purposes without particular difficulty. A number

of clinical examples should illustrate the methodology used and highlight the

therapeutic efficacy of this highly innovative new medical approach of multiple

chronic diseases.


Gilbert Glady Born in Strasbourg, France, Dr. Gilbert Glady grad-

uated from Medical School in 1977 and was then an intern in

onco-hematology at the university clinic for several years. After

a specialization in homeopathy and naturopathy in Paris, he

returned to the Alsace region to work as a private practitioner.

Through his work and encounters, he developed interest and

expertise in immunology and immunogenetics, that leaded him

to nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology. He thus became in

2010 the creator of the BI(G)MED method (Bio Immune (G)ene

Medicine) and director of EBMA, the European association re-

sponsible for communication and trainings in the field of BI(G)

MED. He has participated in numerous international congress-

es in immuno-allergology, infectiology and oncology with post-

ers and oral presentations, and is the author of several publica-

tions on nanobiotherapy in different journals.

Therapeutic use of microRNAs in different

types of immune diseases

Gilbert Glady

European Bio Immune(G)ene Medicine Association, France

Gilbert Glady, Insights Allergy Asthma Bronchitis 2018, Volume: 4

DOI: 10.21767/2471-304X-C1-001