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I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n
Journal of Clinical Immunology and Allergy
ISSN 2471-304X
J u l y 0 5 - 0 7 , 2 0 1 8
V i e n n a , A u s t r i a
Immunology 2018
Page 49
ecently more attention is drawn toward preventable causes of asthma
epidemics worldwide. Indoor exposure to unhealthy living conditions is
currently reviewed as one of the significant factors driving allergic phenotype
switch in multicentre collaborative research protocols involving many countries.
Asthma and allergies link with indoor dampness and allergen exposure in children
is well established. The proposed mechanism involves activation of developing
immune system and switch toward TH-2 responses. We report 3 unrelated cases
of the children with confirmed sensitisation to the mold and dust mite species,
who also developed neuroimmune complications that presented as atypical
seizures and behavioural changes. We conclude that previously reported abnormal
immune response in children exposed to water damaged buildings may be directly
involved in early brain development and atypical seizures. This report provides
novel opportunities in treatment of children who develop allergic sensitization and
neurological issues. More research is needed to evaluate specific mechanisms
involved in early immune system development and interaction of sensitized
immune cells with neuroglia and brain development.
Kushnir received her MD degree from Voronezh Medical Acad-
emy, Russia in 1994. She received full certification as a Medical
Doctor in the United States and Board Certification as an Immu-
nologist and Allergist. She conducted extensive studies on neu-
roimmunology at the National Institutes of Health, Maryland,
US. Her work resulted in discovery of a ground-breaking con-
nection between serotonin mediator and immune mast cells.
She is the first author of multiple abstracts and publications
in the top peer-review journals. She is an internationally distin-
guished speaker, an educator, and mentor for medical students
at USCF Children’s hospital, California, US, and an advocate of
natural treatments for immune disorders. She is also a Master
of Tibetan Medicine, and currently conducting ground-breaking
research on integrative approaches of Chinese and Modern
medicines. She is a founder and Medical Director of Institute of
Integrative Immunology in Berkeley, CA.
nataliya.kushnir.md@gmail.comNovel link between indoor allergen exposure
and neuroimmune development in children
Nataliya M Kushnir
Institute of Integrative Immunology, California
UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, USA
Nataliya M Kushnir, Insights Allergy Asthma Bronchitis 2018, Volume: 4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-304X-C1-001