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I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n
Journal of Clinical Immunology and Allergy
ISSN 2471-304X
J u l y 0 5 - 0 7 , 2 0 1 8
V i e n n a , A u s t r i a
Immunology 2018
Page 29
he main point of the sea star immunology remains the discovery of the
invertebrate primitive antibody (IPA) of the sea star, the Ig kappa gene, with 2 Ig
sites which implies the sea star complement system. To be initiated, 9 component
genes from C1 to C9 have been updated these last years and IRF2, IRF4, IRF8
genes which play a fundamental rôle in the sea star immune response, have been
discovered, for the first time, in an invertebrate. Evidences of Fc receptor gene,
Fab gene and Cr gene corroborate the presence of IPA. Mostly, IL2 is linked to T
vertebrate lymphocytes. On the other hand, an IL2 activity was demonstrated in
sea star (Echinodermata) but was not found in sea star genome. Recently after
hard research, it was discovered that in the first sister of the sea star Asterias
rubens: the ophuirid: Ophiocomina nigra. The aim of this paper is to present the
IL2 sequence in the ophuirid we just studied as it is demonstrated in sea star
(Echinodermata) but was not found in sea star genome.
Dr Michel Leclerc was born the 31th of January 1941 at Saint
Benoit sur Loire (France) He obtained his Master in Biological
Sciences at the University of Orléans. He possessed a "D.E.S
in Biology" and then a"Doctorat ès Sciences" in 1977 in this
last University. Later he collaborated to the Institut Pasteur of
Paris as a co-researcher for five years and then directed the
laboratory of Immunology of Invertebrates, in the University
of Orléans. He has been the first to culture invertebrate cells"
" and more particurlaly sea star lymphocytes. In 1975 he
spoke already in a paper at the Science Academy of France of
Invertebrate antibody, in a world Where this last notion was"
forbidden"! Again he is the first to immunize sea stars with
various antigens. In the years 1980 he published a papet at
Eur.J.Immunol with Francis Delmotte et al, about the isolation
and purification of Antibody-like substances in the sea star
Asterias rubens.Then the last period comes with the genomics:
He discovered the sea star IGKappa gene (2014) with 2 Ig sites.
It is the first time we can speak of IAP (Invertebrate Primitive
Antibody). So the Fab gene, the Fc receptor gene, the Cr gene.
Besides the sea star Innate response, he spoke of ADAPTATIVE
IMMUNITY in an Invertebrate for the first time. With 170
international publications, he said: "What is wrong yesterday is
true to-day".
mleclerc45@gmail.comSea star immunology: 50 years of busy
research activities
Michel Leclerc
Orléans University, France
Michel Leclerc, Insights Allergy Asthma Bronchitis 2018, Volume: 4
DOI: 10.21767/2471-304X-C1-001